Posts Tagged ‘people’s public trust’


The Public Trust 1776 Resurrection of Forgotten Principles by HopeGirl587

What is “The Public Trust of 1776”?

For the purposes of this post, it is important to clarify the true meaning behind this name that has received so much attention lately. “The Public Trust 1776” is a brand name that has recently been applied to a set of very old principles that we, as a human race, seem to have forgotten. First lets clear up some misconceptions; “The Public Trust 1776” as it is referred to in this post does NOT relate to a business entity, a specific group of people, one particular person, any particular website, or a specific group of documents on the internet.

Clearly defined:

“The Public Trust of 1776” is a set of principles that were created and preserved for the people and by the people of America in 1776 so that the government which was created by the people had a set of standards that they were required to maintain to benefit the people. The principles of the trust were first defined in the Declaration of Independence. The people who signed it at the time had no elected position, therefore, they were part of one people where all people were equal.

What created the Need for these principles?

Let’s go back to the foundation of these principles. Prior to 1776, settlers came to America to escape the institution-ridden, overly-structured, and constrictive atmosphere of the “mother country” of England. Let’s remember, masses of people DID NOT immigrate to China, or Russia, or any other country, they all came to America. Why?  Because after generations of being controlled and enslaved by various corrupt governments around the world, there emerged a special land of second chances, where for the first time in generations, people had the opportunity to experience what it felt like to be allowed to live their lives the way in which they chose, to be free.

While life certainly wasn’t easy back then, what had organically developed was a special set of circumstances where people lived amongst one another, free for the first time in their lives, and began to thrive. People began to recognize that they had value, and they wanted to share that value with others. They saw their liberty as their property, and in order to protect their liberty they had to ensure that all others had the same right to that liberty.

They recognized that “I am my brothers’ Keeper, and he is mine”.

This is a true value-for-value system: If I take responsibility for my brother or sister and ensure that they are not trespassed upon or enslaved in any way, others will do this for me. It is therefore my duty to take on this responsibility. I have value, and my brother has equal value and we recognize that value within each other. Our labor and our energy that we give back to each other and the land is our value.

Because of this favorable set of circumstances at the time, a sense of stewardship and mission to preserve the situation developed. This set of circumstances was viewed as a “God-given Trust” of the people and was something to be guarded. This notion was strengthened by charter guarantees of constitutional liberty and British “salutary neglect”, which created traditions of local autonomy.

In the 1760’s and 1770’s, British Parliament attempted to exercise authority in the colonies and take away the people’s value – our value, which threatened to destroy these favorable circumstances and was viewed by the people as an attempt to enslave America. As a result, the people rose up and separated themselves from England. To do so they created and declared a set of principles to the entire world to ensure that America would never be enslaved. These principles are clearly outlined in the Declaration of Independence of 1776. This document at the time was a slap in the face to the “powers that were,” and

…a declaration that we are ONE-FREE-EQUAL-PEOPLE who will not allow ourselves to be enslaved by anyone else’s authority but our own.  That we the people are the value, it is this value of our labor using earths raw materials upon which all assets are created, upon which our entire society exists. We the people created our government, we established their position, they are paid by us to serve us and to protect us from the tyranny which is now upon us.

What has happened to us?

If we the people control our government, this means that they are supposed to work for us and we are their bosses. Then why are thousands of innocents accused of non-victim crimes thrown in jail and persecuted in this country? Why do we allow them to take away our rights one-by-one if we are supposed to be their authority?

If it is we the people that are the source of the value of our money system, that it is our labor that creates this value, then why are millions of Americans unemployed and unable to find work because their labor is viewed as worthless?

If we declared that we have certain un-a-lien-able (meaning you cannot put a lien on it) rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then why do we have such a high cost of living where many cannot survive without going into debt to a bank? Wouldn’t this be considered a lien on our life? What about the current job market, where it’s almost impossible to get a job that pays enough to live off without a degree, and the average student has to go into massive debt just to earn that degree to have a chance at getting a job? Wouldn’t that be considered a lien on our pursuit of happiness? How liberated do you feel when the value of your labor continues to be deducted without your consent through higher prices of everyday items like food and fuel and health items, not to mention higher taxes and interest rates. You no longer can do many of the things you worked so hard to have and do like securing the happiness of your families future. Now the extra money is going towards bank bail outs and government sponsored corruption. Wouldn’t this be considered a lien on you and your liberty?

We each have inherent value. We create the value.

Why do we allow ourselves to be treated as if we are worthless? Are we really giving our consent to this treatment? I certainly don’t remember my government official providing me with a personal contract that stated “I will persecute and oppress you and ensure that you are enslaved with debt for the rest of your life… and if you can’t pay it I’ll charge you with a non-victim crime and throw you in jail… is this ok with you? Do I have your consent to do this? If you agree please sign here for the record….” Does anyone reading this recall ever receiving such a communication? So if it was never communicated to us in language that we can understand, then how are we supposed to be expected to give our consent to it? Therefore the only way they have gotten away with this for as long as they have, is because through our silence and apathy they have assumed we are consenting.
But to be fair and show compassion to you, my beloved fellow humanity, let us all remember that most of us are silent because we have been ignorant to what has been done to us. Most of us are just tired and doing all we can to make ends meet. We are struggling, we are suffering. Some of this is self-inflicted yes, and some of it was part of a grand scheme in the works for many years to re-enslave the people. And like lambs to the slaughter we were led into the trap of self de-valuation. We have forgotten the principles on which America was founded. We have forgotten who we really are. Now is the time to remember and resurrect these principles.

The Principles of the Declaration of Independence

These first individuals recognized that the principles they were agreeing to were a matter of life or death. Over the generations, America has created many laws “on top” of these principles, causing them to become watered down. The result is where we are today; there is death all around us… death of the financial system, death of our freedoms, and a tremendous absence of truth within our society. Many of the laws that have been created have gradually brought us into self-service or special interests.

America is the only country in the world that started out with these principles of freedom. We are the first country to have been set up where the Government is supposed to be ruled by the consent of the governed. The people are supposed to be in charge. It is for these principles that people flocked to this country over the generations, as we have been the last bastion of hope for many. So much has changed since our beginnings, yet it would appear that we are back to where we were before the Declaration of Independence of 1776. Our “governments” are attempting to exercise authority and enslave America again.

So let us now revisit these principles. This is not a focus on any of the actions or behaviors that have occurred around them, (Jefferson owned slaves, women had no rights, etc.) it is a closer look at the principles as they were written. The beauty of these principles is that they need not apply only to one nation. The language in which they were written allows them to be applied to all of humanity. There is only one race on this planet and that is humankind. It matters not our location, creed or backgrounds, as we all share the same home – Earth – and we derive all our substance from the same Earth.

The principles can be found specifically in the first and last paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence.
The last paragraph is where the power is truly expressed. Below is a breakdown line by line with some further clarification of the meaning behind each major point.

When in the Course of human events, 1 it becomes necessary for one people 2 to dissolve the political bands 3 which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, 4 the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, 5 a decent respect 6 to the opinions of mankind 7 requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. 8

We hold these truths to be self-evident, 9 that all men are created equal, 10 that they are endowed by their Creator 11 with certain unalienable Rights, 12 that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 13 That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.14

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, 15 appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world 16 for the rectitude of our intentions, 17 do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People 18 of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. 19

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, 20 we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. 21

1) (this includes every person on the planet)

2) (does not define gender, color, religion or where you came from )

3) (political bands include your family structure, from there all other political issues are founded and formed)

4) (we are talking directly of source and creation)

5) (the context of the men during the times in which they wrote this. They were under subject status as property to the crowns of Europe, and the crowns of Europe were subject property to the Vatican, the pope. This declaration was a poke in the eye of the pope and it made it stick it’s the only thing that ever did)

6) (so we recognize everyone can stand under these principles and in order to have respect I must give it first)

7) (everyone has an opinion of some sort, so we are addressing them with the same kind of respect that we demand)

8) (we are telling the whole world that we are separate from them and heres why, we are giving you notice)

9) (in other words any human can look within himself and agree or disagree)

10) (doesn’t define who the creator is, doesn’t give a name or a religion it says created… neutral)

11) ( Capital C is for any form you’d like to call it: God, Jesus, Buddha, etc.)

12) (the word is Un-a-lien-able, not lien able)

13) (the original text also included the words property)

14) (who gives the power to the government????? We do! The governed)

15) (we get together and discuss things in an open dialogue)

16) (now they are referring to creation)

17) (we are saying that we are speaking directly from creation because we have a personal relationship and we are obligated to our own integrity there personally and individually)

18) (they spoke for everyone on the soil, they spoke in our authority, not their authority, they are not overpowering anyone, its not male its not female, or black, white, or french)

19) (you are not a state, a state is a political body, they are saying that this independent political body now exists because we as a group declared it by our consent)

20) (divine providence is my personal relationship with creation)

21) (this is the ultimate way of standing up to the man)

The same principles in the Declaration of Independence can also be found in the Articles of Confederation, North West Ordinance, and in each states constitution for example; New York’s First Constitution.

So what is this really saying? What are these principles?

  • The One People spoken of in the Declaration of 1776 includes all people under creation. The Public Trust created under the Declaration of 1776 is a very simple concept (stated in elegant simplicity) and open for any One of the People of Earth to sign on to, stand under, and live within.
  • All people are equal, separated from prior political bands and connected directly to source and creation in an equal capacity. To be “equal” implies each person has value.
  • Every person was given to them by their creator a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and another person is not allowed to put any sort of a lien on these rights.
  • The governments work for the people through the consent of the people. It is the people that have the authority over the governments.
  • The only reason why the government exists is because the people declared it into existence through our consent.
  • When each individual protects another in their liberty, there is no trespass or slavery possible because each of us is responsible for that trespass or slavery upon another. I am my brother’s keeper because he is mine.
  • There is only one race on this planet, and that is humankind. It matters not our location, our creed, our backgrounds as we all share the same home, Earth, and we derive all our substance from the same Earth.

What do these principles mean to me?

Each of us can choose to abide by these principles or not. I personally choose to abide by them, and in doing so I can apply them to my own life and I am willing to share with all of you what they mean to me in some of my day to day activities.

Continue reading at:

You must finish this article, it is really that good!



More OPPT discussion in NYC on Public Advocate Radio Show

Thanks to Angel Lucci from the Streets of Love blog for doing this interview on Public Advocate Radio here in NYC regarding the OPPT.  Take a listen as he does a great job explaining multiple aspects of the current reality of self-governance and universal law.

Link to Show:


Grant Williams is doing a great job of BEing and DOing with OPPT NYC!


Broadcasting on Access TV in Fresno, CA – Fresno Community Media Access Collaborative Public Channel, Comcast 93,  AT&T 99

This is a Public Service Announcement: Red Alert! Red Alert!

All 6 media corporations Time Warner, Disney, Viacom, News Corporation, CBS Corporation, and Comcast have one thing in common. The executives who run them belong to an international crime syndicate whose American branch is the Council on Foreign Relations.

The CFR was Founded in 1921 by David Rockefeller the son of the Rockefeller banking and oil dynasty.

Carroll Quigley, mentor to Bill Clinton, said in his book Tragedy & Hope:

“The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established.”

Although Media seems to be biased either being “conservative” or “democrat” the men who own these media corporations care nothing about these political parties. The job of these corporations is to keep the people divided on social issues while telling the masses of people globalization, a one-world order, and illegal foreign wars of aggression are all necessary and for your benefit.

  • TIME WARNER CEO-Jeffrey Bewkes
  • John s. Chen- Board of Director The Walt Disney Company
  • George Soros- Financier of Media Matters
  • Rupert Murdoch- CEO of News Corp
  • Lesley Stahl- Co-Editor of “60 Minutes”
  • Brian Williams- NBC
  • CFR Phone number: Member’s list

Be sure to call the Satanic Council on Foreign Relations and verify what has just been told to you.

“The three aims of the tyrant are, one, the humiliation of his subjects; he knows that a mean-spirited man will not conspire against anybody; two, the creation of mistrust among them; for a tyrant is not to be overthrown until men begin to have confidence in one another — and this is the reason why tyrants are at war with the good; they are under the idea that their power is endangered by them, not only because they will not be ruled despotically, but also because they are too loyal to one another and to other men, and do not inform against one another or against other men — three, the tyrant desires that all his subjects shall be incapable of action, for no one attempts what is impossible and they will not attempt to overthrow a tyranny if they are powerless.” — Aristotle

The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel (STEALING FROM YOU through the hidden tax of inflation) it is NOT an agency of the Federal Government and will collapse our current debt based fiat monetary system to bring in the new cashless digital economic slave system. The answer to 1984 is 1776.


–We Are Change Fresno TV

All the more reason to OPPT IN NOW


Found this BOMBSHELL written by TommyPaine 02/10/2013 – 15:46 at the OPPT Site, “Free At Last”:

By this time next week, the United States Supreme Court *should* have held a conference regarding whether or not they will hear a case that involves Obama’s eligibility.

In Orly Taitz’ (the attorney’s) briefing, she makes an allegation that is a BOMBSHELL.

She alleges that over the past few years, as court challenges regarding Obama’s eligibility have been working their way through the system, court clerks within the U.S. Supreme Court have been tossing out Obama eligibility cases WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES!

Here is a quote from her brief to the court:

“Previously a case Lightfoot v Bowen 084524 by the same attorney Taitz was deleted from the docket of the Supreme Court on inauguration day January 21, 2008 [sic — she means 2009], ostensibly to give an impression that there are no more challenges to Obama’s legitimacy. Only after the enormous pressure from the public, media, state representatives and sworn affidavits from attorneys the case was reentered in the public docket. Clerk in charge for STAYs Danny Bickle repeatedly made incorrect statements claiming that all files were deleted due to some type of computer malfunction, which was not the case. Later, in March of 2009 during a meeting with attorneys and book signing in Los Angeles Taitz was able to discuss the case with Justice Scalia, who was absolutely clueless that the case even existed, even though according to the docket he was a part of the conference of justices who denied that case dealing with the legitimacy of the U.S. President and he voted to deny that case. One can believe that a judge would forget a case about some trivial dispute, but not a case dealing with the U.S. Presidency he supposedly discussed in conference only a month and a half earlier. It is clear that the case Lightfoot v Bowen was decided by the clerks, the names of the justices were printed on the order when the justices had no clue the case even existed. In a case at hand dealing with the usurpation of the U.S. Presidency this is high treason, for which guilty parties should be getting a life in prison or death penalty and the nation is entitled to know who these people are.”

by TommyPaine 02/10/2013 – 15:46

Supplemental brief for the Supreme Court of the United States

Continued at the following link:

Angel Lucci


…as well as All of the People
   of the Earth, Equally, of the
   One People’s Public Trust

I Love my Facebook Friends!  I’ve been following a long discussion on OPPT about the OPPT Press Releases and how some media outlets are refusing to file without additional information. One of the People, suggested sending the UCC Financing Statement, File #:2011-362-9411-4.

Here is the list of DEBTORS:

  • Rothschild Trust (Schneiz) A.G., et al

Well, I’m making that Statement available here and below in graphic format.

All the links will be at the bottom of the article.

Angel Lucci


UCC Financing Statement

Facebook – Free At Last Group

Facebook – OPPT-IN

Freedom Central - Sunday, 3 February 2013 (12:00 PM US Central Time)

Join “Freedom Central” this Sunday 3 February 2012 (12:00 PM US Central Time) for our weekly radio broadcast on Finding Voices Radio.

This week we will be dealing with the BIG BIG buzz in the world of Freedom Seeking… Following on from the disclosure of the One Peoples’ Public Trust, over the last month or so, we have picked up on possibly the biggest break we as humanity have had in our battle for freedom.

“From the old paradigm banking position, right now, the People’s Trust and the One People, All Equally, have the only valid, lawful, legal commercial paper worth anything on the Planet! And as far as what’s backing it, truly what’s backing it is Prime Value, but as of right now, all the gold, silver and precious metals is backing it!”

– Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf,
Trustee, One People’s Public Trust 1776

I will be joined live on air by Angel Lucci, who will be chatting to us about the OPPT and how we can help activate the Creator Value Access Centers (CVAC’s) in order to start taking back our Planet!

Educate yourself before the broadcast:

Join us on Sunday 3 February 2013 at 18h00 GMT
(12 pm central us time)

Tune in at:

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