Archive for the ‘NEWS’ Category

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New Earth Project

This is an excellent dialog between Sacha Stone & Charlie Freak about current events. The information may be new even those who educate themselves “down the rabbit holes” regularly. However, if One does not know who they are spiritually, the esoteric knowledge may be too much to inner-stand.


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Video Advice YouTube Channel

We’re all hallucinating all the time, including right now. It’s just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality.
–Anil K. Seth



The Strategy Of The Best Psychologists In The World | “It Works For Boredom and Laziness”

Enjoy the Consciousness Expansion!

Angel Lucci

Judy Vancil Jandora to someone who is doubting anything positive is happening :”IT IS SOOOOO HAPPENING.. Being reported on if you know where to look.”
Lindsay Marie Hillegas to the doubting lady : “well let me butt in and tell you why you think he’s not and why you’re constantly posting doubtful comments. He has intentionally taken a roll that was just one part of a grand master plan to take down the cabal/global elite/ satanic pedophiles whatever you want to call them (they’re many things), trump is in a position that is meant to fool everyone, but most importantly the cabal. He’s talking in code (but majority of people don’t know that) but if you have been paying attention, you would. Every single move he has made, every single thing, has been pre planned and intelligently orchestrated.
He and his entire family agreed to play this fake villain president role, when behind the scenes he’s literally helping, along with MANY amazing patriots and the alliance, to take down the darkest NON HUMAN beings that have corrupted and hurt our planet and the entire human race and animals etc. for millennia.

Now, these people have been throwing their last minute kill switches left and right, why? They have already LOST. they also have controlled all MSM feeding the public literal bullshit upon bullshit and false stories as their plan was to get you to believe an entirely different and completely inaccurate story of the “truth” because they don’t want you to know who they really are and what they have done to YOU and the rest of humanity… because it’s that horrific. so let me just say… it is really time to wake up to the truth and what is really going on because the more people that stay ignorant and are not coming from a space of LOVE, the longer it’s gonna take, alrighty?”

Judy Vancil Jandora to Lindsay Marie Hillegas : “WELL WELL WELL!!!! May I say this is so brilliantly stated, I kinda want to share it all by itself!! Beautiful communicating, Lindsay Thank you! could not have said it so well, myself”

It is what it is…
–Angel Lucci


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Thursday, August 11, 2016

by Anna Von Reitz

It is important for everyone to understand that we are engaged in a process— a learning and fact-finding and research and legal process that is ongoing.  Every day we learn more.  Every day we connect dots that we didn’t know about before.
This necessarily gives the impression of two steps forward and one step back, because that is what it is.  It’s a process of discovery.  We don’t have a road map.  We are obliged to go down many rabbit holes to find out where they go and if they connect and precisely how they connect.
In most cases the path isn’t just complex.  It has been deliberately obscured to make it difficult and even nigh-unto impossible to unravel.  There are cinch points in this process that resemble a tangled ball of yarn or a knotted necklace chain.  It takes time, diligence, knowledge, and sometimes great perseverance to move past these points.
Nobody just automatically “knew” that our earthly estates had been probated when we were still children and that we had been declared “civilly dead” and that the State Bar Associations had taken over as “Administrators” of our accounts acting in behalf of the STATE OF WHICHEVER corporations that then claimed to be the Beneficial Owners of our property.
Who could even imagine all that?  Perhaps a lawyer familiar with probate would glance at it and know immediately— but none of them told us, did they?  That would undermine their usurped position of power over us.  After all, we were born the General Executors of our own estates and it is only by mischaracterizing us as “incompetent wards of the STATE” that they get a handle with which to jerk us around and steal our property both public and private.
On top of the self-interest involved for members of the Bar, there has also been the very real fear that if people knew what was going on and knew what was being taken from them under color of law, they would rise up and murder lawyers and bankers by the bushel.
So mum has been the word.  We have had to dope out every stinking detail of this fraud on our own and it has not been a speedy, easy, or straight forward process.  Forgive us all those of you out there who are used to being spoon-fed everything like Fast Food and who expect to have all the answers neatly and readily available, complete with action steps to take for a certain and complete and easily accessible remedy.
It doesn’t work that way.  Not at all.  Instead, what works in one state doesn’t work in another.  The law of one county and its procedures and standards are different from the 3100 others.  And every judge and every court in America is different, too.  So on top of the difficulty in discerning and proving and acting upon the basics of the fraud itself, there is also the problem of addressing how all the various “State Bar Associations” administer it and how all the various “Counties” and “Boroughs” administer it.
Like a virus that got into our government Main Frame, it has morphed out of the root stem of the program and into a million variations, all of them serving the same basic purpose, but in a million permutations on the same basic themes.  Yes, we are here to mischaracterize, control, and defraud you.  Yes, it is going to be done along the same basic paths and guidelines.  But no, it is not going to be exactly the same at all times and places and applications.
Nearly every day I have someone call me up and offer to ream me out because they tried some course of action I recommended two years ago and in their particular instance and situation it didn’t help.
A number of things must be brought to everyone’s attention— first of all, I (and everyone else involved) have learned a lot in the past two years, including information that has led to different understandings of basic facts.  It therefore behooves everyone to follow along in the current thread to get the most up-to-date take on things.
Second, these rats are not stupid.  They make their livings off this fraud.  When we push through a gate and find a pathway of escape, they are close behind trying to close off that opportunity.  They simply amend their operations, come up with a new “agency” rule or push through a new bit of code, and voila, the sheep are penned again.
Third, if you want to claim back the General Executorship of your own estate, which is what we need to do, all paths lead to the probate court and nowhere else.  These vermin have defrauded you by misrepresenting who and what you are and by seizing control of your assets—including these ACCOUNTS which appear under your NAME via fraud upon the probate courts in the states and counties where you were born.
Fourth, now that these basics are known, it is time for you to contact every politician, judge, banker, lawyer, hospital administrator, and police officer involved in administering and profiting from this scam.   Communication is the only way it can be resolved short of gibbeting.
A researcher into the use of “GLOSSA”— the all capital letters sign-language used to disguise our ESTATE accounts— took his copy of Black’s 4th Edition Law Dictionary and his copy of the 16th Edition of The Chicago Manual of Style— into the office of the local Magistrate Judge yesterday and placed the facts under his nose.
As a result, the Judge was clearly at a loss and forced to re-think the cases coming through his office and being submitted to him.  As a further result, we found out that these cases are being formatted by the police departments—- agencies that have no obvious expertise in the law or grammar at all.
So today, that same researcher is taking his Dictionary and his Chicago Manual of Style to the Police Commissioner…..
This is the sort of action that is desperately needed.  We cannot hope to correct this situation without it.  These people have been doing these things on autopilot for so long that despite the fact that they are self-evidently fraudulent, their first impulse is to stare at you and mumble, “But, that’s the way we do it.  That’s the way we have always done it….” and their second response when presented with contrary fact is to begin thinking.
That’s what we need— for everyone on both sides of the fence to start thinking and then acting accordingly.
Is it fraudulent and deceptive to represent the ACCOUNT of an estate trust as the NAME of the victim in a foreign and corrupt language, and then embed this sign language into an English text to promote further misunderstanding?   Of course, it is.
Is it improper for any action at law or in Law or even administratively to be taken on the basis of such documents?  Of course, it is.
Is it fraudulent to stand behind a piece of paper signed by someone else (your uninformed Mother) and deny your right to act as the General Executor of your own estate?  And then while usurping your position as Executor to imprison you and steal you blind?
What do you think?
I am not here to tell anyone what to believe or not believe.  Anyone who has stepped foot in one of their “courts” has more than enough experience to come to their own conclusions.
Instead, I am here to share what I have discovered in this long process of discovery, to share what other researchers have shared with me, and to encourage right-thinking and effective action to the extent possible.
The Accusers must themselves be accused.  They must be shown the error of their ways and brought to correction.  That is the only way that real progress can be made.  They must be made to understand that what they are doing and the way they are operating is wrong. That cannot be done overnight or with the stroke of a pen, and neither I nor anything I can merely tell you is going to do the heavy-lifting for you.
You have to go buy your own reference books, see the truth for yourself, and then stomp on down to the office of the local magistrate judge…..and to the police commissioner….and to the mayor…..and to his general counsel….and to the local assemblyman…..and to the Governor of your state…..and……just keep going like the Energizer Bunny.
That’s what I do all day, every day, and that is what we all must do in order to properly engage the work that must be done.  Sitting around thinking that someone else can do it or blaming them (or me) because what they have done or attempted to do has been insufficient or ineffective, is like blaming the horse pulling your cart out of a mud hole because the goodness of its strength and heart is not quite enough to turn the wheels.
Has it occurred to everyone yet, that you might have to get out of the cart and push for yourselves?
Not only do you have no cause to complain about the sufficiency or efficiency of the work others have pioneered, you have only the various officials and bureaucrats who are imposing upon and presuming upon you to blame.
So– in closing, please get your heads wrapped around the real problem and stop expecting “George” as in Washington, to do it all for you.  He has been dead over 200 years and as for me, I am a retiree in Alaska— and I am already doing my best to resolve these issues.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna’s website

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Old Republic Versus New Republic: THE JIGS UP


For too many years we have been played with by what we called government when in fact it was always nothing more than a Corporation.

Well, it’s time for them to come forward and face the fact that they have finally been cornered and there is no out.

Yes we have heard about the New Republic but when you put together the pieces of the puzzle you realize that they are both one and the same – just flying a new flag with new colors or what have you.  “They” have the wherewithal to do just about anything they wish with us, so long as we don’t catch on but guess what?

We have caught on!!

Neil Keenan and Group K have finally acquired the necessary pieces of the puzzle to put an end to their existence should things be handled properly.

If not then it will be the same old same old…In this case we will all be in dire straits.  I have personally financed most of this endeavor myself with bits of funding coming in from others who wished to assist mankind.

Well, we are now at the point in time where mankind comes first otherwise kiss mankind goodbye and welcome in the advent of worldwide slavery – and this is where they are attempting to lead us – and this and now is where we need to draw the line.

It is happening and we do know; and you all need to get your acts together and understand we just might not make it to the next elections.

This will be dealt with before then.  So, we address it now or we put down our books and pick up a gun because there is going to be a whole lot of fun.

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED which is what we have always been about.

Neil Keenan and Group K


There is a trembling in the halls of governments around the world, as mankind awakens to their enslavement and the blatant fraud and trickery that have been perpetrated upon them by “corporate” governments.

This arose as a result of the division between Corporate Law (Admiralty, Commercial Law, Law of the Sea) and Common Law (Law of the Land).  Common Law is generally based on Universal Truths such as the Ten Commandments and other basic, common religious beliefs or standards that are set within a society and that act upon “real” persons.

Corporate or Commercial Law works with “fictions” (false entities created in the mind), and as such requires real flesh and blood humans to be hoodwinked into believing that corporations are “real” entities, on the one hand, and that “straw men beings” created in your name are “YOU”!

If you are awake now, you will be aware that these fictitious entities were created at your birth by way of your Live Birth Certificate and a Trust was created in your name ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS – so that the corporate government (a fiction) can deal with another fiction (YOU in caps).

As a result, the establishment creates all kinds of laws, statutes, taxes, and many other ways to enslave YOU and steals all of your personal wealth. Your house, your car, your land, and your children are all owned by the corporate government as your name is ALWAYS in CAPITAL LETTERS (WHICH IS NOT you).

And so we find ourselves presented with the current dilemma: The united States of America and the United States of America, Incorporated – which one is WE THE PEOPLE?

Judge Anna has recently made it very clear that the de Jure Republic of the united States still exists, but the offices and officer positions have not been filled, nor can they be filled, with the existing Congressmen (or women), Senators, Judges, President or other Corporate government officials duly elected or appointed; as all existing usurpers have committed fraud and a host of other unconstitutional acts.

Every elected Congressional person has sworn an oath to defend the Constitution and has committed TREASON when operating under any incorporated government or by being a member of the BAR or by holding dual citizenship.

Similarly, these usurpers cannot change their position (as Judge Anna stated, “cannot change their spots”) by stating or passing legislation that allows them to convert the existing Corporate (Admiralty) Government into a Common Law Government.

And so it would appear that the current convoluted, underhanded maneuver by the bad guys is to create a New Republic as a facade for the bankrupted USA Inc. and United States of America Inc.

Apparently, this New Republic has been chartered in France (again) with the Treasury domiciled on a sovereign Indian Nation Reservation outside Reno, Nevada, and with funding (gold backing) by the Chinese, although which ones remains to be seen.

This New Republic Group is obviously a whitewash with General “Dumbford” (Dunford) and Speaker Ryan being positioned to “transition” the united States into an new era of Admiralty enslavement.

Then there is a Third Group headed by persons unknown who have filed with the Hague that the De Jure united States of America under Common Law still exists and is alive and well with a duly appointed Congress, Senate and President, and presumably Common Law Judges like Judge Anna,  BUT still with no Continental Congress meeting of All States; thus lacking in some legitimacy.

Common Law State governments, however, are being formed, and many States (30 to date) are now rallying against Federal (corporate) overreach. This might lead to a call for a Continental Congress which can then revive States Rights and Common Law on the Land.

And so the question now is, “Can WE THE PEOPLE beat down the New Republic publicly?” This is where the real battle is playing out right now.

And if it is true that the Asian Elders have financed the New Republic, then are WE compromised?!

The Asian Elders hold the keys, and it is their intention to transition the World more equitably. They have no interest in which side wins or loses, as they finance both. It is just business to them.

Financing the “New Republic” is just a means to hopefully, a better outcome. What they don’t seem to realize is that what they are propping up is the same old hideous monster morphed with red, white and blue stripes with starry-eyed greedy banksters just gagging to carry on – business as usual.

Similarly, the Foreign Registry of the New Republic and its Treasury domiciled in another foreign sovereign nation is in clear violation of the De Jure Constitution which is still legally alive.

This creates a condition of TREASON by General Dunford and Speaker Ryan and legally nullifies the collateral borrowings of gold and any other confiscation and distribution of funds retrieved from the fraudulent activities of the Fed and other international financial institutions.

General Dunford only has the authority to arrest those in violation of their Oath of Office and try them in a Military Court for treason.  He has no authority to make himself an interim President or Vice President of the Republic. Speaker Ryan is completely ineligible, as he should be among the first arrested.

The American people need to wake up to this new con job! 

And the situation is no different for the Asian Elders!

How can a foreign chartered New Republic be American? How can a foreign domiciled US Treasury legally issue new US Dollars (TRN’s, currency and Bonds)?

This is corporate enslavement all over again! Just change the paper and revalue.  Anyone for hide-and-seek?


Again, consider what happens to all those hard-earned overseas Dollars acquired in exchange for real goods? The Petrodollars are more slippery than ever!  And a few hundred trillion in gold backing for these worthless numbers does not seem to be on the Chinese plate of noodles.

We have done our part in exposing the banksters and the formation of the BRICS financial system. It is time now to swing our search light around onto the so-called New Republic fiasco being perpetrated on the American people.

We HAVE OUR OWN REAL REPUBLIC! Let’s breathe life into it again!

Read what Judge Anna has written and spread the word. Revitalize our REPUBLIC on the LAND!

Judge Anna has cleared a path in front of us, but she doesn’t have the position to confront these bastards head on.  However, the key that Anna needs to be as potent as possible is Neil Keenan signing the M1 papers quickly.  M1 status gives Neil Keenan and Group K the absolute authority to empower Anna with the right to confront and deal with the corporate US government – and woe to whoever gets in Annas way at that time.

Furthermore, with Neil Keenan’s status as M1 confirmed financing will never be a problem again. Group K will have access to as much funding as required for any project imaginable.

Statements have been made that clarify the Elders’ position on Common Law and Admiralty Law and how the two can co-exist in commerce, but not ON THE LAND of the united States of America in the form of a Federal Government under the Constitution.

Such clarification is necessary at this time to circumvent this nefarious attempt to implement a New Republic – when the Old one still exists and is the legal one.

Such a clarification also exposes the disinformation efforts of Karen “Hades’” and all the drivel that she espouses in her claims as an “authority”. This also means that all of the following entities have already been paid in full: The FED, World Bank, IMF, UN and all the incorporated governments around  the globe.

You would do well to understand the importance of such a declaration and the need for the Elders to confirm their support of the De Jure Republic, even if it takes a bit longer – and working with Neil Keenan to clean up this mess.

It remains to be seen if the perpetrators pushing the New Republic are using this as an underhanded strategy to transition back to the Old Republic, but the RV and GCR are just “business as usual” moves that don’t solve the problem.

The RVs and GCR merely move money around and give commerce a bit of a reprieve – by hopefully distributing funds to infrastructures and areas of need, but they still include the enslavement of world economies and all of mankind.

And so, what then does the surrender of the Cabal actually mean? Likewise, what does the collapse of the US Government as a public service provider (which it has not been) mean?

There is no surrender – not without arrests. Unfortunately, “Dumbford” is too afraid to make any arrests.

We concede that some readers might be of the opinion that this post comes across a bit too heavy – but this is no game. The Keenan team has spent many hours receiving and analyzing information; putting together this massive jigsaw puzzle which ultimately shows us that another attempt is being made to just put up a new facade – and our information sources are second to none!

The stakes could not be any higher – and you really need to understand the gravity of the situation in which you find yourselves.


Neil Keenan and Group K


Copyright © 2016, GROUP K, Ltd.

Posted on July 12, 2016 by David Robinson

Estate Claim Letter: Notice of Beneficiaries
July 11, 2016

Estate Claim Complete and Forwarded to Pope Francis — Read It and Finally Understand What Has Been Done and By Whom.
Estate Claim Letter
Notice of Beneficiaries
July 11, 2016
His Holiness Francis
00120 Vatican City State, EUROPE
Most Beloved Francis,
We write to you today regarding settlement of all debts owed to the True God, to the actual Universal Church, to us, our family, our countrymen and to all people of this world. It has been three years since you issued your Motu Proprio.
It is written that when what is true comes, what is false must pass away.
It is also written that Satan is “the Father of All Lies” so that there can be no doubt where lies come from and the ultimate fate of those falsehoods.
It is also written that Yeshuah will come again and at the same time, He promises that he is with us always.
The meaning of this is now clear. He never left. He lives in us. He is here and now it is time for the Kingdom of Lies and the Rulership of Satan to end.
We are among those appointed to destroy by our lineage foretold and written on the altar of the Church Inviolable.
Now we must draw your attention to some facts plainly stated in the Bible.
1. Peter, that is, Faith in Forgiveness, is the cornerstone of the Church Yeshuah founded, yet Peter is the precisely the stone rejected by the builders of the church that arose from the Council of Nicea. Peter was never the Bishop of Rome.
2. Paul was the Apostle to the Romans and Founder of the Roman Church. Thus, Paul, not Peter, is the Founder of all that you cherish and the Bishop of Rome that you follow, but you cannot have it both ways. No man can have two Masters. This is the central problem and dilemma of the Church, the Lie at the Foundation that must be addressed. To correct this you must take Peter, Faith in Forgiveness, into your heart.
3. Judas betrayed Yeshuah in one way and Peter betrayed him in another. Both men were guilty, and of the two, Peter most of all —- for Judas only offered up the body, but Peter’s sin struck at heart and mind as well. How is it then that Judas despaired, went out and hanged himself, yet Peter who bore the more heinous sin wept and rose up to glory? Peter who loved Yeshuah had faith in Him; he knew that the love and wisdom of Yeshuah would not fail. Peter knew he could be and would be forgiven even the greatest of sins. Thus he was able to rise up and do great things despite the enormity of his own sin.
4. We encourage you to take Peter’s lesson into your heart today as you face the enormity of the Church’s betrayal, not just of the body of Our Lord, but of His mind and spirit as well. Let Peter be your cornerstone at last. Let Faith in Forgiveness guide you to choose life and glory for the Church, instead of despair and an ignoble end.
5. You must lay aside all claim that authority passed from Peter to the Vicar of Rome. The Vicar of Rome is the Vicar of Rome. All pretense otherwise must be set aside, for that is the basis upon which so many other lies and sins recline.
6. We must also admit that Pope Innocent III was possessed by the Spirit of Falsehood and ego. His works and his ways must come to an end both within and outside the Church. He dishonored the peace of God and instead of loving Our Father set himself up to reign as a False God and False Steward and he taught his successors to deal likewise in iniquity, cruelty and blasphemy.
7. The Church has become wealthy and unimaginably powerful and has not only fornicated with the kings of the Earth, but given birth to them, and they have committed many atrocities in the name of God, heaping blasphemy upon blasphemy. The Church so adulterated and those Monarchs thus promoted have usurped and misled Mankind into gross suffering, unnecessary peril and divine reckoning.
8. We won’t enumerate even a very short list of the past sins of the Roman Church, but we assure you that they are all these things are fully known in great detail and will not be forgiven if they are not confessed and repented.
9. The Kingdom of Lies which has thus been founded amounts to a Principality of the Dead— a realm of incorporated legal fictions and personas — and what are these but more lies? It is therefore clear that the Church of Rome has colluded in this with the Father of All Lies and has grown rich and powerful because of it.
10. Even as the Church of Rome’s wealth and power has grown and the reach of its administration extended into every aspect of our lives, its spirit and connection to the Lord of Life has declined, until now it stands on Death’s Doorway.
11. This Kingdom of Lies has been administered through a system of interlocking trust directorates all tied directly or indirectly to your office. Let us examine the actual meaning of “trust” applied by your “trustees”— Ancient Latin: “trucido”: to kill cruelly, massacre, slaughter, butcher, slay.
12. Thus, through their offices, these trustees have slain the innocent by identity theft and fraud and sought to mischaracterize and misrepresent the victims who are actually heirs of the Kingdom as things—legal fictions arbitrarily defined as debtors and as slaves.
13. The mechanism of this genocide on paper is simple enough. The instigators introduced and used a corrupted form of Latin known as “DOG-LATIN’ to name living people in agreements transferring property and other documents written in English, German, and other descriptive languages. The innocent saw what appeared to be their name in the context of the surrounding English text and did not recognize it for what it was: sign language used to mischaracterize them as things—corporations– not people.
14. Combining two dissimilar languages in one document , one of those languages being corrupt and not identified as a separate language at all, renders all contracts, all legal documents that have employed “DOG-LATIN” as part of an English, German, or other text, invalid, null and void ab initio. No such combined jurisdiction can exist.
15. Let us provide an example so that everyone can be educated in this matter. In Ancient Latin a name would be written: ANNA-MARIA-RIEZINGER. In “DOG-LATIN” it would be written: ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER without hyphens connecting the words. This construction creates a full stop between each word, so that it is rendered: ANNA. MARIA. RIEZINGER. This is clearly nonsense and not a name at all, but a disconnected and un-related series of names. It is gibberish.
16. Thus we fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 27 and 28 and break all contracts with the dead incorporated persons created by this fraudulent conveyance and all the associated infamous practices that have served to defraud and enslave the living people are likewise overthrown.
17. While pretending to be the Shepherds of God, it is apparent that the Church administrative hierarchy has instead been intent upon the raping and pillaging of God’s Lambs and has placed false claims against their bodies and souls.
18. An examination of the various constitutional documents creating all the secular governments in the world shows that with the exception of the original Constitution for the united States of America which is written entirely in English, every similar agreement is tainted with “DOG-LATIN” and is invalidated by its use. The only country on Earth having a valid agreement with Rome is ours, and every attempt has been made to misrepresent and mischaracterize and usurp this one, too.
19. The motive for all this wrong-doing is rooted in the promotion of an ancient and venal pagan religion based on idolatry and requiring the worship of the graven images known as money. One of your offices, that of Pontiff, is especially charged within this religion to serve as the bridge between the living who have been forced to depend upon this evil system as a means of exchange and trade, and the dead corporations operating as banks and governmental services corporations that feed upon it. In other words, the Office of Pontiff is singularly responsible for banking and what goes on in the world because of it.
20. The arbitrary nature of the fiat currencies which use engraved images on pieces of paper is now all too clear and so a retreat to gold and silver idols has commenced. It cannot be long before everyone notices that this, too, is arbitrary and fraudulent. Gold and silver don’t really represent beans and rice. It is an illusion similar to representative government. Please note, Francis, that gold is not actually transformed by magic into soybeans, self-governance is not the same as governance by proxy, and except in the wishful thinking of the Satanists among us, Communion wine is not the same as blood.
21. To the extent that we must have some means to trade goods and labor the world is again forced to use gold and silver for a time as a form of Lesser Evil, but we clearly see that the world banking system is another institutionalized fraud scheme wagered against the overall good of mankind, a system designed to defraud, enslave, and steal from vast numbers of people for the benefit of a tiny elite that has glutted itself on the blood and labor of the innocent, just as in the days of Pharaoh.
22. All home mortgages issued in the United States are based on constructive fraud. The fraud begins when the banks advertise Home Loans. People assume that this is a solicitation for the banks to loan them money to buy homes, but in fact, it is a solicitation to have people loan their homes as collateral for the banks. The banks misrepresent Security Notes subject to Article 9 of the UCC as Promissory Notes subject to Article 3. They never transfer title to any REMIC organization. They never pay any transfer taxes. They are operating in open fraud to the detriment of over six million American families each year.
23. The Roman Pontiff has allowed this legal chicanery, false advertising, and the false claims against the assets of the living people that result. So let’s be blunt–the Vatican owns the UCC and is responsible for its misuse. The Curia is responsible for the existence of all these corporations. By Maxim of Law, we are responsible for what we create, and the Holy See has spawned all this — idolatry, lawlessness, fraud and swindling on a scale not seen since Babylon. It’s well and truly beyond the rational time to repent and take meaningful action against the lawyers and the banks, not merely a slap on the hands and not just a hand-washing attempt to avoid culpability. You are under demand to put a stop to it.
24. The former Popes, the British Crown, and the French Rothschilds have all conspired to make this entire world into a slave market where people and their assets are bought and sold like cattle. In America, people are bonded without any knowing consent before they are out of the cradle, and these bonds representing assets that belong uniquely and only to them are offered for sale to investors who participate in this unlawful and unholy trade without even recognizing it for what it is. The profits are siphoned off by the Roman Church and the British Crown and the French Central Bank owned by Rothschild.
25. The slave bonds known as CUSIP Bonds are created and then traded through the Bank of New York and the DTC/DTTC. The profit is funneled to CEDES and then to the Vatican Bank where this blood money is laundered and sent back to the Bank of Canada where the Queen and the Crown take their cut, before sending on the rest back to the Bank of New York which funds all levels of the federal government including the “federated States” and the “federated Counties”. Let’s make it perfectly clear that none of these activities have anything whatsoever to do with us. None of these “States of States” or “Counties of Counties” are ours. Our assets are not being wagered and these “things” — these legal “persons” —that have been created in our names written in “DOG-LATIN” are merely more lies being told to us and about us. And once again, it is time for this to stop. We are assets of the land, not the sea. Our nativity must be recorded, not registered. We are people, not persons.
26. As noted, the only constitution that is grammatically and jurisdictionally correct is the American Constitution written over 200 years ago and that communication is still binding upon Rome and England, as are all the treaties which led up to it plus the Treaty of Ghent issued in 1814. None of the other countries have a Constitution that is enforceable, so it is up to us to clean up this filthy mess and hold Rome and the British Monarch to account for it. The gross misadministration and criminal trespasses that we and the other nations have suffered must come to an end without further obfuscation or delay.
27. As affirmed by the Alaska State Superior Court operated under Article X of the only actual Constitution by birthright Americans, there are still fifty states upon the land operated by living people who are proven heirs and beneficiaries and they have come forward to claim their estates in their own behalf and that of all the other American people, too.
28. Galling as it may be to generations of Church leaders and European Monarchs who have deeply compromised their honor and betrayed our trust—the agreement stands and you are on the receiving end of it. The Good Faith agreements made by the Americans have been honored by the Americans. It is now upon your Honor and the Honor of the British Monarch to repent and reflect on the many debts that are owed to the Americans, Canadians, Australians and others.
29. Our government is not in any “interregnum” as a result of our international Laundry Service changing hands. We are still here, operating our actual and organic states as we always have.
30. Our government does not need any “postliminium” rights, as our government has not been overcome in war or any other struggle. We have merely been set upon by criminals and pirates that have been allowed to prey upon us by unfaithful, incompetent, dishonest and fully culpable trustees—both Popes and Monarchs. The world can read our standing agreement with Rome and with the British Monarch and see what it shall see: if you dishonor your agreement with the American States, you dishonor it in front of the entire world. If you attack the Americans or meddle in our affairs or do anything but clean up your joint operations on our soil and give us good faith service from now on, it will be clearly seen by the entire world who is responsible for the chaos and violence and who has done or failed to do what is right in the sight of the one True God.
31. In 1822 while under full international treaty and Concord, while acting as our trustees in the jurisdiction of the air and the jurisdiction of the sea respectively —and enjoying all the powers and benefits thereof—the then-Pope and the British Monarch signed the Treaty of Verona and agreed to undermine our lawful government which is of the people, by the people, and for the people —– not of the person, by the person, or for the person— and set upon the current course of infamy.
32. The American treaties require that all of us who are living people claiming our birthright as American State Nationals are recognized to be sovereigns equal to the king of England or France when standing upon our land, and we are further guaranteed safe passage and protection and friendship in perpetuity when we or our vessels in trade or commerce traverse the international jurisdiction of the sea. This, summed up from the treaty obligations of Rome and England, is what we are owed and what we have always been owed and which we claim.
33. We declare that no noble ends are served by evil means and no excuse exists for the history leading to this circumstance. Murdering, raping, pillaging, evicting, cheating, slandering, mischaracterizing, thieving, enslaving and press-ganging for Christ is not a tenable position to be in, no matter what extenuating circumstance may be offered for it.
34. Those Satanists who have operated within the Roman Church and excused their activities and presence as a necessary duty to teach the difference between good and evil have served no such purpose at all: we are all perfectly able to tell the difference between good and evil and also have the ability to recognize evil disguised as good. This is self-evident from the presentment before you.
35. We declare that the Law of Noah was overcome by Moses who parted the Red Sea and the Law of Moses was overcome by Yeshuah who parted the veil between life and death and the Law of Yeshuah stands. It is past time to stop living in the past which like all lies and incorporations is dead. We are all the inheritors of one precious living moment and it is called now. Let us take action now against these evils because there is no other time or place.
36. The perversion of our perception of time and cutting of the day into hours is yet another swindle and attack against our wholeness, our good, and our minds. We are taught to think in terms of past, present, and future but not to recognize the essential and important point: time does not really exist. It is just a perceptual construct based upon our senses and experiences. What we perceive as past is, from a different perspective, very much alive. What we perceived as the future and not yet born is, from a different perspective, already dead and gone. The only true time is now, the present moment, in which our consciousness dwells.
37. All representations of time, therefore, that are not the present and eternal now—are in essence lies and labels attached to fictitious clockworks arbitrarily established and arbitrarily applied. There is no special truth or honor or accuracy attributable to any of these systems used to catalogue events and whatever ownership interest there may be in creating and making practical use of these systems is only a liability—-because once again, we are dealing with fictions—lies. It must be recognized that all agreements are in fact concluded now and are in affect now and only exist now. Any description of time discussed as 1822, 1868, etc., is to be understood in terms of this truth and only as a convention familiar to you to promote your understanding of events.
38. In 1868 the Roman Catholic Church and its British affiliates took advantage of the chaos created by the Civil War, and began a campaign of fraud and deception by incorporating “The United States of America” and pawning this privately owned corporation off as the restored lawful government. It was in fact just a deceptively named governmental services corporation operated by the Holy See and what would later become the Vatican Bank. No peace treaty ending the Civil War was ever signed, which the Holy See and Britain have used as an excuse to abuse Americans and keep the United States at war in international venues ever since. Both the Holy See and Britain’s Monarchy have both promoted war for profit at American expense and in betrayal of our trust to the detriment of the whole world for over a 150 years. This great sin, great fraud, and great betrayal of trust now stands before all nations. Let it be firmly understood that America was the victim and that the corporations that have done this have preyed upon us as they have preyed upon the entire world.
39. Following the Second World War the same players did the same thing, and spawned a new governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.), only this time they opened up the game to the French Rothschilds, too. The then-Pope, FDR, and the Crown agents had bankrupted the “United States of America, Incorporated” in 1933 and promoted the Great Fraud by creating millions of Foreign Situs Trusts merely named after living Americans and using these deceptively named apparitions to lay false claims against our property both public and private. By 1944, the guilty parties were busily using the bankrupted pass through corporation calling itself the United States of America (Inc.) to siphon off the wealth of America and place false claims against the assets of the American People—the same innocent Allies and “friends in perpetuity” that they were all obligated under trust indentures, international treaties, and commercial contracts to serve.
40. Now all the Higher Contracting Powers are scurrying around trying to do the same thing again— bankrupt the UNITED STATES (INC,) and assert a false claim that we are all standing good for it, so that their chosen bankruptcy trustees can come ashore and begin a new round of pillaging. It isn’t going to work. We can see through all the various false claims and mechanisms, the fraudulent bankruptcies, the creation of new public transmitting utilities named after us in more “DOG-LATIN”, the generation skipping trusts designed to deny us any benefit in our own lifetimes and to steal our grandfather’s estates as abandoned property. We know it all, see it all, and we are not amused, Francis. We are laughing at General Dunford and the Neu Republique. We already chose new international representatives from among the federal corporations and the Neu Republique isn’t in the running. The United Nations Security Council, the Queen, and your Office have been fully informed and so has Jacob Rothschild. We will not be playing that game anymore. The Bank of International Settlements has been directed to settle the American accounts, discharge any National Debt and get on with making settlement for all that we are owed—and no, we won’t be requiring any loans of our own assets back to us at interest anymore.
41. By 1908, the then-Roman Pontiff and the British Monarch tightened their grip and prepared for more fun and games —pillaging and stealing from Americans they were under trust indenture, commercial contract and every requirement of decency and honor to protect. They set up the FBI, and then the private European-controlled central bank known as the Federal Reserve System in 1913, and right after that, the private Internal Revenue Service—- the updated version of the Inquisition, which just like the confessions and payments of tithes required by the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 are supposedly “voluntary” and collected on April 15th. Every bit of it, including this connection of the Inquisition with the Internal Revenue Service is known.
42. The income tax which was the object of the Internal Revenue Service’s mission began as “Peter’s Pence” —-a crusade tax which the kings of France and Britain first levied on their subjects in 1166 and 1188 and which was used to finance World War I, World War II, and the endless conflicts before, after, and in between. In America during World War II this was touted as a Victory Tax that was supposed to automatically sunset when the armed conflict ended, but lacking any specific ending date, the Internal Revenue Service just kept on strong-arming and extorting and collecting and filing bogus charges against the hapless Americans year after year. Hundreds of thousands of Americans then as now are rotting in federal jails for the crime of not paying taxes they never owed. For this crime alone, the Vatican Treasury deserves to be liquidated.
43. Apparently anything including flatulent cows are to be taxed and used to justify the imposition of new taxes on the poor and the working people of this and every other nation. The Holy See and the British Monarch just don’t seem to know when to leave well-enough alone or how to pay their own bills for all the destruction their policies have caused the environment and the all the misery and death they have inflicted on innocent people. Neither does the United States Congress —the Board of Directors of the French IMF sponsored shell corporations that have been here on our soil pretending to be our government since 1944. We are sick of it, Francis, full up to the gills, and you had better believe that we do know and can prove every nasty little bit of this sick and vermin-infested history.
44. Bear in mind, as you must, that all of this mechanism designed for fraud and racketeering and war profiteering was and is owned by the Roman Pontiff: the private Federal Reserve owned and operated by the Pope, wrote the amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act in 1917 to include the trusting American people among the “Enemies” and mandated that they be licensed to conduct trade—one of their most basic natural rights was licensed as a criminal activity subject to government regulation by the foreign private Federal Reserve Banks. This was done to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy, to save the bacon of England and France and Rome in World War I, and then just left on the books and never corrected. It’s going to get corrected now, Francis, one way or another.
45. The American People were lied to and told that their government required them to obtain a Social Security Number and a pension account and that they needed to establish this in order to have a job in their own country and to fund old age pensions in their declining years. This forced application under conditions of deceit and misinformation in fact set up a bank account in the Federal Reserve System under their name written in “DOG-LATIN” for the Roman Pontiff and the British Monarch to plunder at will, and reduced the hard-working American people— your Allies, friends, supporters, and by the millions, your parishioners—-to the status of slaves and at least on paper rendered all their possessions as chattel subject to the will of the Pope and the British Monarch. Nice of you guys. This very neatly shows up what the Vatican and the British Crown and the French Government have done while pretending to be our friends and Allies and acting in the role of our international trustees and service providers.
46. In 1921 the phony corporate “Congress” abdicated its duty to control the money and turned it over to the Holy See’s Federal Reserve System to be the Fiscal Agent of the United States Treasury, which promptly ceased to exist in 1924, taking vast amounts of American wealth with it. That didn’t stop the Holy See and the Crown Agents from pretending that the United States Treasury still existed. They just renamed their own shill companies after it, in a dizzying array of permutations: The United States Treasury, the Treasury of the United States, the United States Treasury Department, the U.S. Treasury, the Department of the Treasury—-take your pick, Francis. After that, you can kindly deduce that we are not playing this game anymore.
47. There is one actual American corporation still standing and it is called the united States of America. The word “united” is just a descriptive adjective. The word “United” is not part of our Trade Name and never was. The States of America are sovereign states, not incorporated “States of States”. Our states are the ones that do all the incorporating, not the incorporated franchises thereof. Everyone, worldwide, really needs to get this straight: America = States of America. United States = Our Hired Help. United States of America = Their Hired Help.
48. Every Act passed by this phony corporate Congress since 1868 applies only to the federal corporation and its actual employees. Each and every “Act” –as in play performance— passed by these Jokers has to be approved by you or your delegated minions —the so-called Lord High Chancellors in Equity— otherwise known as the Cardinal Bishops parading around in every Archdiocese. It is all made explicit in Elements of Ecclesiastical Law published in 1894. Every statute authorized by these criminals is canon law—and your direct responsibility. This includes the income tax and the legalization of abortion and gay marriage and the so-called Affordable Health Care Act, Patriot Act, and so much more. We suggest that you make good use of your red ink pen, but that is not really our business, is it? We’ve agreed to let you conduct your business and you’ve agreed to let us conduct ours, and so that’s the way it is—or at least should be— if we can just address this continuing matter of mischaracterizing Americans as US citizens and your States of States trying to glom onto property and assets that in fact belong to our states and to us.
49. All the men and women parading around here in black robes pretending to be American judges are nothing whatsoever but private Bill Collectors of the Vatican and British Crown and French Central Bank—which is busily trying to palm its debts off onto us and enforce them as our debts by fronting the Neu Republique—-and some of them are priests of Cybele, otherwise known as Ashtoreth, the Mother of Harlots and the Great Abomination. These pagan priests have had a special relationship with the Roman Pontiff since the Second Century BC and they are still here, promoting every kind of evil, fraud and deceit. They’ve run their course here, Francis. Tell them to vacate our courthouses, and never again seek to confuse anyone here about anything.
50. The Council of Trent is what Americans have been forced to live under and nearly all of us have been commandeered at birth, mischaracterized in violation of the Geneva Conventions as Foundlings and capitulated as slaves—- and according to you and Queen Bess, we are all what is called United States Citizens—- but it is left unstated which United States? The sick, vile, venal, depraved, constantly bankrupted, violent, and disgusting Empire of Lies that the Pontiff and the Monarchs rule over, or the United States we are owed by you and Elizabeth II? We need to get this straightened out, Francis, and right about now. “Feed my sheep,” He said. That doesn’t translate as “Rape and kill them because they are stupid.” It doesn’t translate as, “Dumb them down some more so that they can’t even read English, much less read Latin.” And then use that same ignorance as your excuse to enslave and steal from them.
51. There has been a great deal of identity theft and deliberate constructive fraud based on deceptively similar names going on and not just with things like the United States Treasury Department that doesn’t exist or the three different versions of Internal Revenue Service with three different Commissioners at their respective heads. According to the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, we are “the free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States”—- not the “inhabitants” — not British Subjects merely here to provide governmental services. Yet, via deceit, false registrations, and every kind of deliberate confusion including the use of “DOG-LATIN” we have been misidentified as British Subjects, mere “residents” of our own country, taxed as foreigners, mischaracterized as corporations, robbed, murdered, jailed, and treated as anything and everything but what we are. You and Elizabeth II and the Rothschild bankers are responsible for this —even though it got started a long time ago, it has come down to you; it is up to you to do the decent things required by the Law of Yeshuah to end it and to admit that both the Law of Noah and the Law of Moses are at an end, rendered obsolete and meaningless by the Law of Love. We are not obligated to obey the 80,000,000 statutes standing on the books of the truly Evil Empire, and we are here to tell you that we are not.
52. It was 2008 when we brought this situation to the attention of Benedict XVI and he promised to end it. Eight long years have passed. When I contacted the Archbishop here and asked for his help in observing and ending the foreclosure fraud in his role as Lord High Chancellor in Equity— not a word was heard. Not a peep. Not a centime was dropped in our collection plate. After three certified letters in the name of and under the orders of Pope Benedict, no change was made. No effort was made to stop the probate fraud. Nothing was done to recognize and expedite the re-conveyance of property back to the Americans it belongs to. If anything, the rush to grab up more property and harm more Americans was accelerated. The man that Benedict entrusted with the Seal of St. Peter was arrested and railroaded on bogus charges and is sitting in a federal prison—-and here you are, Francis, allowing all this to go on? These persons work for you. They act at your command. They are dependent on your payroll. Re-convey all the property back to the Americans to whom it belongs as of 2008 when our claim was made. There may be reasons but there are never excuses for letting this go on another day.
53. We have waited while those directly involved in the administration of this giant manure pile have entertained us with False Flags and threats and tried to issue mandates disarming us and have assembled commercial mercenary armies on our soil, operating under color of law as the new FBI, DOJ, BLM, DHS, FEMA, BATF, etc., bankrupted more versions of United States and United States of America, and continued to prosecute false claims against us and our property assets via private corporate tribunals that don’t have any valid jurisdiction related to us. Look at the situation with LaVoy Finicum, an American rancher murdered by the FBI at the behest of the BLM which was engaged in a shady deal trying to sell the Russians our Uranium. Read our lips, Francis. This isn’t going to fly. Everyone on Earth can and will recognize at last what the “United States” is and that it is not “America”—-and then, inevitably, the Americans will rise up on one side and the rest of the world will rise up on the other, and anyone left promoting this criminality will be alone and in the middle, hated by both sides. Ever heard the saying— “between a rock and a hard place”? That’s where the Church of Rome and the Inner City of London and Jacob Rothschild and all the other Party Hearties who have promoted and condoned this outrageous fraud are sitting. Therefore, make haste and agree with your brother. Return the purloined property interests owed to the Americans and their lawful government. We remind you that fraud vitiates everything, even the most solemn contracts, and that this entire circumstance was created by the most venal kind of fraud and sophistry: identity theft.
54. You must admit that the United States doesn’t have the beginning of a just claim to one cubic centimeter of the Oregon State owed to the people of this nation, and that the United States and its hired agencies are actually under contract to serve us. Admit that LaVoy Finicum was murdered and those with him placed under false arrest by people whose equipment and paychecks were paid for with his labor. Order the release of all Americans being held in federal prisons. We are fed up to overflowing with empty promises of meaningful action to correct Vatican operations on our soil. We are sick of your Lord High Chancellors in Equity stealing everything but the bathroom faucets from us and then sanctimoniously reminding us about the needs of The Poor— while they are themselves refusing to make correction, participating in the eviction of the poor from their homes and ensuring continued widespread unemployment.
55. The criminal abuse and mismanagement of the United States and the deception and horrible abuse of the innocent American people and their states on the land for 150 years has led to America being hated and feared around the world through no fault of its own; we have been deceived, used, misled, betrayed by men— Popes and Monarchs— who literally owe us their lives, their security, their wealth, their positions of honor, and instead of saying, “Thank you!” several of those perpetrators responsible have indulged in plots to kill their creditors. For this, they deserve universal condemnation. In the Pontiff’s system of things, it is your right and responsibility to liquidate corporations that have operated as crime syndicates. We can imagine no greater crime than to defraud people so as to amass odious debts against them and their estates, and then use that same debt as an excuse to attack those who are in fact the Priority Creditors.
56. The only states the Vatican owns are states of mind, legal fictions created from lies, formed from empty air by the Father of All Lies. The living people are owed the actual land and the sea and the air. Not one iota of it belongs to any-thing. We are here to remind you that the True Lord created Man and that we are people, not persons. Our grandfather’s estates are now ours. There can be no claim of abandonment. Our states, actual geographically defined states on the land, are owed freedom and the security of their borders and support for their lawful governments and generosity toward their people. All these inequities must be balanced, all these injustices righted.
57. So, Francis, let our people go. Let the Americans go in peace and return to their own rightful political status and restore their own lawful government. Meddle with us no more and forbid the British and the French and other subject nations from interfering. Expedite the Exodus. Release every bit of American soil and every asset of our country which has been held under false pretenses and subjected to false claims. Thumb your nose at Satan, for his time has come.
If you do what is right in the sight of the True God, and even now seek His Kingdom and repent what has gone on here, your mercy will merit mercy in return.
A great and final Passover is in preparation. In a single night those who refuse to repent and who refuse to give mercy will be removed from our sight. They will be gone as if they never were, together with all their evil works. They will be gone and they will not be remembered.
So the joy of those who have suffered will be complete and there will be no cause to mourn or think of what might have been or yearn after those who are gone. Even the grief of any loss will be spared the Blessed, who will not think of evil or feel fear or remember losses anymore.
Thus will the Will of the King of Kings be executed and against this just correction no man or nation of men can stand. He will not kill five hundred million and ruin the land for the sins of 500. He will not burn in anger against those who cannot understand.
None of the unjust claims and contracts and lies of Satan will bear fruit. Even now they are passing, broken before you, like chaff blowing away in the wind, like shadows disappearing into light. Do not fear their passing or seek to hold onto them. The living cannot be conjoined with the dead.
A copy of our decision regarding the status of the American estates is attached. There are indeed more than enough living men who are verified as the progeny owed this country to reclaim each and every nation-state. America is not abandoned and not subject to the claims of Secondary Creditors.
Please inform the United Nations, the Bank of International Settlements, the President of the United States, the Joint Chiefs, and all the others who need to know.
The Vatican and its franchises must disgorge all the titles to American property which it has been holding under false pretenses and profiting from.
All our property including the copyright to our given name, our birth certificates, our baptismal records, our land deeds and records, mining claims and patents, trademarks, signatures, powers of attorney, automobiles and other private property must be re-conveyed and returned to us free and clear.
No individual action or separate claim can be required to effectuate these remedies: all Americans and the American States must be made whole. The Burden of Proof of natural United States Citizenship or voluntary status as a citizen of the United States must be assumed by the perpetrators of this fraud against us.
Our nature as living men and women and our birthright political status must be honored.
All American homes foreclosed upon since 2008 must be returned to their lawful owners and/or all equity owed, all losses, inconveniences, costs, and damages paid up.
Any collateral damages, forced sales, attorney fees, property losses or debts incurred as a result of fraud and false presumption upon Americans must also be repaid and made good.
All seizures of private property, evictions, acts of extortion, and racketeering against American State Nationals mistaken-on-purpose as United States Citizens or citizens of the United States must stop.
All American State Nationals including all unincorporated business employers must be released from any presumed obligation to collect or pay income taxes. The consequences of incorporating any business entity must be clearly stated and fully disclosed.
All military and administrative tribunals operated by the United States or any federated State of State or County of County must clearly and fairly describe their jurisdiction and exactly who or what clientele they serve. These same courts which have been used to harm must now be used to heal.
All court cases, all court orders, all land deeds, titles, contracts, warranties, patents and agreements of any kind utilizing or referencing “DOG-LATIN” must be held null and void, reversed, and to the extent possible, remedied.
All Americans merely presumed to be United States citizens and being held in federal custody for non-violent crimes must be immediately released. All others must have their cases promptly reviewed and prepared for release to the custody of the actual American States and Counties.
Assets, rents, interest owed, fees, profits, and escrows owed to the American people and the American states must be returned to them via their sovereign American States and Nations Bank and individual State Banks.
When all our property is returned and released to us free and clear and the beneficial interest we are owed is returned to us and to our states on the land, we will consider this probate of our earthly estate done and closed.
Until it is, the entire Holy See is subject to our lien and our complaint is firmly lodged with the Universal Court and in Heaven Unseen.

Anna Maria and James Clinton
c/o Post Office Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska
Postal Extension 99652
(907) 250-5087

Thanks to:

Posted from:


Posted on June 15, 2016 by arnierosner
On Jun 15, 2016, at 10:58 AM, Arnie Rosner <> wrote:
Mr. Farrow,

Please find a response from Judge Anna. As you may recall, Judge Anna is a superior court judge of the land jurisdiction of the lawful state, Alaska. Not to be confused with the state of Alaska…the franchised branch of the bankrupt corporation of which has been noted.

Please let us know if you have further questions.

“You only think you know!”

The flag of the Continental united States of America
714-501-8247 – mobile

On Jun 15, 2016, at 10:42 AM, Anna von Reitz <> wrote:
As I have explained many times before, what we are dealing with and what we have dealt with since the beginning of this country, is a situation where very lucrative government services contracts have been received by “governmental services corporations”. This fact has been obscured and partly hidden from the less-than observant public and over the years for lack of true oversight the situation has become abusive.

In the beginning the Virginia Trading Company and several of the other old trading companies that financed the expansion into the New World banded together to form the United States (Trading Company). That was bankrupted by Lincoln in 1863 and when the dust settled several new entities organized as corporations emerged, chief among them, The United States of America, Inc, the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, and the United States of America, Inc., all of which were bankrupted and/or morphed into still other corporate entities. It was the United States of America, Inc. that Franklin Delano Roosevelt bankrupted in 1933 and which stayed in reorganization until 1999. It was used as a pass-through, like a siphon, for the creditors of this bankrupt privately owned corporation to suck the American People dry under false presumptions and equally false pretenses, but it was by far NOT the only pig at the trough.

We have suffered through the US Corp which was the principal defense agency corporation during World War II, the USA, Inc., which has been famous for prison industry and other industry-related abuses, the US, Inc. which has similarly failed any mission of “Public Good”, the WASHINGTON DC MUNICIPALITY, one of the most corrupt and inefficient governments to ever exist on planet Earth, and from 1944 onward, we have suffered all the slime-ball tactics of the UNITED STATES, INC., a French-sponsored IMF spin-off, here on our soil acting as the colluding partner to the United States of America, Inc., during its bankruptcy reorganization from 1944 to 1999 and since then operating as the overall “service provider” under March of 2015 when it finally went insolvent and couldn’t even pay the interest on its debts.

Since then we have had yet another one of the “governmental services corporations” go bankrupt, this one calling itself THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.

The UNITED STATES (INC.) was so deplorably mismanaged that it cannot qualify for bankruptcy reorganization and is being liquidated.   THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. is in Chapter 11 Reorganization and Mr. Obama has gratuitously named franchises of this bankrupt entity after each one of us. You will note that mail addressed to your name in the form: JOHN K. DOE has begun arriving in your mailbox. That’s the name of the bankrupt franchise. He is attempting to pull another FDR scam on us and set up a new siphon to drain us dry.

Another corporation calling itself the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (INC.) that picked up numerous subsidiary brand names like BLM and FBI is responsible for the entire fiasco in Oregon that resulted in the Wildlife Refuge standoff and the murder of LaVoy Finicum. These are nothing but commercial companies in the business of providing “governmental services”. They have come in here and bought up the brand names and trade marks of older bankrupted corporations just like Proctor and Gamble might acquire the “Twinkies” and “Wonder Bread” brand names and trademarks and begin making its own version of both products without the public ever even knowing that these seemingly familiar “agencies” are under new management.

People often ask me— how is it possible that we haven’t known this? How is it possible that we haven’t been aware of any of these bankruptcies, except the one in 1933—which hardly anyone has mentioned for years?

These are all privately owned corporations. These are all private bankruptcies. And these bankruptcies can take place anywhere in the world. The Trustees of these bankrupt entities can be anyone that the creditors agree to name.  In view of the false claims these vermin have made and all making on the American People, it is to their advantage to keep these bankruptcies “closely held” and out of the public eye. That way nobody has a chance to object to the false presumptions being made by the Trustees and very few people have the chance to bring forward their claims against the rats.

So, that is what is going on and what has been going on since 1863. If you buy a copy of our book, “You Know Something Is Wrong When…..An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” you will see a Public Lien being published which names the rats responsible, and in the back of the book, you will see a UCC-1 Financing Statement that tells just a small portion of the debt owed to the American People.

What has become abundantly clear is that vast numbers of corporations worldwide have been used and abused to create illegal and unlawful monopolies and they have operated as crime syndicates by buying up police forces and armies and most recently “government agencies” which they have run as commercial mercenary armies operating on our soil under color of law. Good examples of this are the FBI actions at Ruby Ridge, the BATF and DOJ at Waco, and more recently, the BLM and FBI attack on LaVoy Finicum and the others in Oregon.

The FBI is a particularly egregious example, as it is often misdirected and employed in the cause of blatant crime, while failing to investigate and prosecute the exact forms of crime that it is tasked with combatting. Early on, I informed the FBI about the reverse trust scam being operated by the banks in mortgage foreclosure cases. I contacted them with complete information multiple times. They did nothing.


Because although the mission of the FBI is clearly stated and public, and they receive public monies on the assumption that they are performing the job they claim to be performing, their “private mission” is something else entirely. In public, they are supposed to be combatting crimes of interstate trafficking, commercial fraud including interstate banking fraud, illegal restraint of trade and numerous other related duties—in fact, they avoid doing these jobs and act as enforcers of private corporate objectives instead. As most of those objectives have materialized as neglect of their public mission statement and have instead involved the murder of innocent people in the course of promoting such activities as illicit drug trade you may judge for yourselves what the mission of the FBI really is.

Similar circumstances apply to the misnamed “DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE” and virtually every other “governmental services corporation” you can name. Even the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE is in it up to their hips in expediting human trafficking and illegal taking of property that rightfully belongs to the people of this nation and these United States as opposed to “those” United States.