The BestEgg Chronicle

Posted: February 24, 2024 in One People's Public Trust (OPPT)

Submitted to Experian Credit 02222024

The BestEgg🥚 debt was paid twice through my Trust account. They chose to ignore my bank documents and even RETURNED BOTH PAYMENTS to the FORECLOSED PRIVATE FEDERAL RESERVE CORP even after they received my information clearly showing I owned the Trust account.


The first payment of $5,125.14 was voluntarily “returned” by BestEgg personnel after 2 days when BestEgg received correspondence to “Return” the payment to the Foreclosed Federal Reserve Corp. That payment was “returned” before it was applied to my account.

I called BestEgg when I received correspondence that the payment was being “returned” to the Foreclosed Federal Reserve (FFR). I asked the employee on the BestEgg help desk to read what was sent to BestEgg from the FFR. I was told the FFR correspondence asked BestEgg to “return” the payment. I also asked the help desk employee to please send me a copy of that FFR correspondence through email.

I never received a copy, even though I asked several times even in a follow-up email.


I called BestEgg the next day to talk to a manager. A woman (Humpty Dumpty) told me the Federal Reserve “Reversed” the payment. I immediately called her a liar based on the information in the previous paragraph. I also asked her to provide a copy of the foreclosed federal reserve correspondence received by BestEgg. I also shared with her that in the new banking regulations, written in 2012 as part of the bankruptcy, the FFR no longer had “reversal” capabilities, on any of those FFR accounts. That was a result of the bankruptcy requirements placed upon the criminal federal reserve and the entire US Legal System.

In Dec. 2017, President Donald Trump announced on his Presidential Broadcast that the FFR no longer owns the Federal Reserve Note. It is now owned by the American People.

He continued by stating, ‘The Federal Reserve is bankrupt and foreclosed. They no longer have any control over any of the Federal Reserve accounts.The Federal Reserve accounts belong to the American People and is managed by US Treasury.’

Well, a liar is always a liar! Humpty Dumpty at Best Egg even continued to lie to the credit bureaus in saying the funds received from my account were “reversed”. My credit dropped over 200 points during the month of January 2024 based on lies from Best Egg management.


The second payment of $4,300.63 was voluntarily “returned” by BestEgg personnel after 4 days from the day when BestEgg received my payment and two days after receiving the FFR correspondence to “Return” my payment to the FFR Corp.

Both payments had Trust Account CONFIRMATION codes because I Am the only Owner of the Trust account.

I received BestEgg🥚

CONFIRMATION on the second payment showing it was accepted and applied to my account.

Account Details -Debt Paid Off

Hello, Is anybody in there?

BestEgg🥚 Management chose to VOLUNTARILY RETURN the CONFIRMED payment BOTH TIMES to the 2012 Bankrupted Private Federal Reserve Corp. even after the second payment cleared and was credited to the BestEgg🥚 account, a couple days before they sent it back.l

They are either dumber than rocks with no letterscritical thinking skills or they’re lying mofos! They lied to the Credit Bureaus, said the payment was “REVERSED”. It was “VOLUNTARILY RETURNED” by “BestEgg🥚 Managers” and it did not go back into my account. It was stolen by the FFR. BestEgg🥚 followed their master’s wishes and returned them, making BestEgg🥚 Managers complicit in the illegal activity or wrongdoing against the OnePeople.


I read the banking changes in the law back in 2012. The FFR cannot REVERSE funds from any of those accounts. They belong to the people. Do the research! I doubt you will. Because you’re probably the former or the latter.

Those accounts have your ALL CAPS NAME as the Owner and your SS number as the account number.

I expect FULL DISCLOSURE of the 2012/13 Bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Corp from Experian Credit Bureau. Lying or playing dumb about the current status of the FFR is criminal. All involved in the cover-up are being held liable for crimes against the One People and will be charged for their crimes at the final takedown and arrest by the US Military as part of the Military Operation being finalized this year 2024.


I Am Without Prejudice,

[Charles R Coyne], I Am



When the 2nd Payment paid the debt off, I quit paying for the loan. Well as a result, my debt score fell to a low of 592 in Dec. 2023 from a score of 782 in Oct. 2023. That was a difference of 190 points.

I was surprised when I checked my Experian Score on Jan. 2, 2024 and saw 810 points. That was a 216 point increase. Below shows 203 but the does not show or factor in a low of 592. The actual increase was 216 points.

The BestEgg🥚 Chronicle was submitted on Jan. 23, 2024. I have no idea what exactly happened for my score to increase. The documentation trail did not provide any clue as to why the changes were made.

There are many people that have no clue to any of the historical changes that have occurred since the One Peoples Public Trust. It really sad and the main reason, I feel, is most people have a really low self-esteem of themselves and do not unconditionally love themselves at all. They are also lazy and spend no time on improving their lives.

The hardest people to reach are those with strong religious beliefs and strong patriotic beliefs. They believe themselves to already be free and have closed their minds to any new information.

So by glorying in their ignorance, they harm themselves, their family members, their friends and all people around them by missing out on the greatest changes that have ever happened in the history of all humanity.

Wake up my friends, we are all One in the One Infinite Creator. It is time to be consciously aware of who you really are!

Drop your belief system, quiet your mind, quit judging people and information, let your heart take over the role of your mind. The heart can separate the bullshit from the truth.

Proverbs 23:7 says:

“For as a Man Thinks in His Heart, so is He.”

I’ve been saying for years:

“If One is not intuiting the truth, One is not receiving the truth.”

Here is how I successfully activate my Intuitive abilities .

I Love Every One, since We are One! Get righteous fuckers.

Angel Lucci

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