Posts Tagged ‘illuminati’


The New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset

Federal Reserve to New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset

The Global Currency Reset is a complicated process about a global reset of currencies, removal of the Khazarian mafia and restoration of the US Republic and the original US Constitution. At present the process is playing out with no holds and is expected to be completed within days.

Below is a history of that process, including forming of the US New Republic, integration of the Federal Reserve into the new US Treasury in Reno, expected changes in the US tax system, expected release of the 800 numbers and relationship of Humanitarian Projects to $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies gained from a 1992 audit of the Federal Reserve.

The higher Contract Rates are available, especially if you are dedicating a good percentage of your monies to Humanitarian Projects. Those higher rates are said to be funded out of $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies that were illegally taken by the Federal Reserve during the Bush Administration, then confiscated during the 1992 Federal Reserve audit. At present the monies are in European bank accounts awaiting the GCR.

History of the New Republic and Global Currency Reset Process:

1. Please refer to a short trailer of the to-be-released documentary “Eagle One to Wanta.” The major film documentary covers how President Reagan’s secret agent Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta amassed 3.8 trillion through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet Union. The 3.8 trillion was designed to go back to the American people but was stolen by the Federal Reserve System. Wanta has pledged to eliminate our national debt overnight after a 2006 US District Court mandate is honored that would return the money. The documentary is scheduled to be released upon announcement of the New Republic around July 4 2016:

2. Since it’s inception the US monetary system has been owned and run by the Cabal known as the Khazarian mafia, North American Union and U.S. Incorporated (Corporation of the United States), which is simply a privately owned Maritime Corporation out of Puerto Rico.

3. The US Federal Reserve is not connected to the US government. The Cabal owners are membered by influential world powers like the Vatican, European Royality and private families such as George Soros, Rothchilds, Carnagies and Rockefellers. Cabal monies are commonly laundered through the Vatican Bank.

4. The current version of the privately owned Federal Reserve system started around 450 years ago at the creation of the Vatican Trust by ancient Royal Families. One of the major Royal funding streams reached it’s term and was cut off at the start of Dec. 2015, opening the door for closure of the Federal Reserve and implimentation of the new US Treasury.

5. The Federal Reserve Bank is composed of a group of private Central Banks whose main interest is serving the Cabal.

6. The Global Currency Reset has become part of the take-down of this illegal US corporate government through formation of the US New Republic, new US Treasury and new US currency notes backed by natural resources and gold of the Royal Dragon Families. The Dragon Families are based in the Phillipines and are not connected to, nor claim to be influenced by the Chinese government.

7. US Federal Reserve Notes are backed by gold (borrowed from the Royal Dragon Families after World War II), but only used for government and trade purposes. This monetary system functions under the non-US government owned North American Union.

8. The Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) that are used by US citizens have no backing at all and is referred to as fiat currency.

9. The United States is the only country on the planet that does not have its own national currency. One of the purposes of the Global Currency Reset is for the US to secure our own asset-backed currency.

10. For years the Cabal has fought implimentation of the GCR since it takes away a lot of their power and monetary gain including closure of their privately owned Federal Reserve.

11. Since inception of the US, citizens have been forced to buy their Federal Reserve Note currency, along with paying interest on it, from the privately owned Federal Reserve.

12. The US Internal Revenue Service came on shore as a Delaware Corporation back in 1934 and was immediately purchased by an attorney firm which then incorporated the Delaware Corporation.

13. Eventually the IRS ended up in a holding company known as the Northern Trust Company which also owns the state and US Bar Associations. For all intents and purposes the IRS and US Bar Association are essentially the same entity.

14. The Federal Reserve Note had interest attached to it which helped to create our nation’s well over 17 trillion dollar national debt (some say we are actually over 100 trillion in debt).

15. The Dragon Families excused that debt when their gold was placed in the new US Treasury in Reno last week. This included excusing debt and derivites of the Wells Fargo Bank, which is owned by the Dragon Families, plus the derivities of certain other banks. (There is question about excusing debt and derivities of Bank of America since it is heavily used by the Cabal).

16. In 1991 Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the international bankers and government criminal activity through the Federal Reserve. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which intended to bring about a fascist One World Government ruled by the international bankers.

17. In 1992 a task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported Constitutional Law. This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, Congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve.

18. The task force included Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, General David McCloud and Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby. They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only two out of 535 members of Congress were deemed honest. More importantly, they ordered and carried out the first-ever (and only) audit of the Federal Reserve.

19. The Federal Reserve was accustomed to giving orders to politicians and had no intentions of being audited. However, after they were informed their offices would be raided under military gunpoint if necessary, they complied with the investigation. After reviewing their files the military officers found $800 trillion dollars sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. Contrary to federal government propaganda, they also discovered that most nations owed money to the United States instead of the other way around.

20. These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay a successful Farmers Claims class action lawsuit that helped to instigate the 1992 Federal Reserve audit. Later this money would become the basis of the GCR Prosperity Programs fulfilling Humanitarian needs across the planet.

21. Despite these death blows, President George H.W. Bush and the Illuminati continued on with their plans of global enslavement. In August 1992 the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he sign an agreement that he would return the United States to Constitutional Law and ordered him to never use the term New World Order again.

22. Bush pretended to cooperate, but secretly planned to bring about the New World Order anyway. He set out to sign an Executive Order on December 25, 1992 that would have indefinitely closed all banks, giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law. Under the chaos of martial law, Bush intended to install a new Constitution which would have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years, plus it would have removed all rights to elect new officials. The military intervened and stopped Bush from signing that Executive order.

23. In 1993 members of the Supreme Court, certain members of Congress and representatives from the Clinton government met with high ranking US military officers who were demanding a return to Constitutional Law, reforms of the banking system and financial redress. Clinton, however, was a proponant of the New World Order and as a result, nothing of substance was done.

24. NESARA – National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act – is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep the US. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and implements the following changes:

A. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.

B. Abolishes the US income tax.

C. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

D. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes.

E. Increases benefits to senior citizens.

F. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

G. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

H. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to Constitutional Law.

I. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

J. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

K. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

L. Initiates a new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.

M. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the new U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

N. Restores financial privacy.

O. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

P. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

Q. Establishes peace throughout the world.

R. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

S. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

25. Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed this National Economic Security and Reformation Act.

26. These 15 members of Congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th Amendment. Remember British soldiers destroyed copies of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) in the war of 1812 because it prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office.

27. President Clinton had no interest in signing NESARA into law. On October 10, 2000 and under orders from U.S. military generals, the elite Naval Seals and Delta Force stormed the White House. Under gunpoint, they forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA. During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down, were disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order. President Clinton also relinquished his bar registry.

28. From its very inception Bush Sr., Clinton, the corporate government, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official Congressional registry to reflect a commemorative coin. It was again revised even more recently. This is why there are no public Congressional Records about NESARA and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public.

29. Members of Congress will not reveal NESARA because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to deny its existence, or face charges of treason punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged with obstruction. When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, his small passenger plane crashed, killing his wife, daughter and himself.If fear isn’t enough to keep Washington in line, money is. Routine bribes are offered to governmental/military officials by the power elite/secret government.

30. Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the Internet. Wikipedia’s article is total disinformation. Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard’s NESARA bill was rejected by Congress in the 1990s. Dr. Barnard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest Congress in his monetary reform suggestions. A testimony and articles by Dr. Barnard’s close friend, Darrell Anderson, are shown below.

31. The next step was to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s was not an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA. The NESARA law requires that at least once a year, an effort be made to announce the law to the public. Three current US Supreme Court judges control the committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement. These Judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage NESARA’s announcement.

32. In 2001 after much negotiation, the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass resolutions approving NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law.

33. The next day on September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.

34. It is alleged that just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1 and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were said to be planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7, which was demolished later that day it is alleged, in order to cover-up their crime. It also was said that remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval Command Center who were coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide. With the announcement of NESARA stopped dead in its tracks, George Bush Sr. was said to have decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people. See this documentary to be released after the GCR:

35. By 2008 another proponant of the New World Order, the Obama Administration, was in charge. Obama refused to work under a budget while ballooning the national debt with a stimulus package that didn’t stimulate the economy, but more than tripled the national debt.

36. The US fast began loosing their influence as the main world reserve currency due to it’s uncontrollable monetary policies, ever-growing debt and use of fiat currency.

37. Also in 2008 the Royal Dragon families became very concerned when the US could not even pay the interest on it’s debt. They called in their loan on Lehman Brothers, thus causing the 2008 Mortgage Crisis.

38. By now nations of the global monetary system had alarming concern about the US national debt and US currency which had no backing, yet was being used as the main world reserve currency.

39. The Royal Dragon Families then stepped in to form BRICS, backing the currencies of nations who joined the BRICS system with their own natural resources and gold reserves of the Dragon Families.

40. Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, China and South African formed BRICS to correct the situation, and backed the world’s individual currencies with gold and natural resources to conform to Basil III of the IMF. They revalued all of the world currencies and worked toward a Global Currency Reset, using revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar as a kingpin for the other world currencies to revalue.

41. By 2015 all the nations of the world except for the US and Japan had joined BRICS. Japan joined in the Fall of 2015, leaving the US as the loan holdout.

42. Around the same time that BRICS was formed (7-8 years ago) the United States Army created an interim government called the New Republic and stationed it in West Virginia. The Royal Dragon Families had demanded formation of this New Republic as a necessary step before they would back US currency with their gold in the BRICS system.

43. A New Republic interim government was formed by concerned Congress people because the Obama Administration refused to join BRICS, thus creating a dangerous situation of fiat currency where the US economy could easily collapse.

44. The New Republic went into operation near the start of 2015.

45. The New Republic had to construct a national currency but they didn’t have the gold by which they could comply with the IMF’s Basil III. In April 2015 the Chinese Elders leased 100 billion in gold to the New Republic.

46. US Treasury Reserve Notes [TRNs] were created by the New Republic for use at the government level, but they’re not used on the street. Since 2015 they have been trading the new TRNs internationally, in Europe and in the Japanese Market.

47. For a monetary system that could be used by the general US public, the New Republic created what’s known as United States Notes [USNs].

48. The only difference between the new US Notes currency and the Federal Reserve Notes is that the new currency will not be charged interest.

49. The new US Note currency is like what President Kennedy had created way back in 1963 when he tried to shut down the Federal Reserve right before he was killed.

50. Kennedy’s cost of trying to take down the Federal Reserve using new US Notes is explained in this documentary to be released July 4 2016 as an introduction of the New Republic:

51. In 2012 as the Settler on a Econo Trust Lein against the Federal Reserve Bank and to prevent them from rechartering, the Federal Reserve was melded into the new United States Treasury now located in Reno Nevada.

52. Patriots like Winston Strout helped the Federal Reserve to be absorbed into the US Treasury. A recent interview with Winston Strout discussing the process is here:​c

53. There was a 2011 Treaty White Paper that informed finance ministers of the economical conditions of the world. As a result, Ireland challenged the banks. They said, “If you can prove that you loaned us any money, we will gladly pay you. But If you can’t, basically ‘go pound sand’!” And they held to it. They had that same thing going on with Greece. It was believed that if the right one had gotten elected in Greece they would have done this same thing as did Ireland.

54. In 2015 the New Republic (charged with protecting the Royal Dragon Family gold that backed the new US currency) located the new US Treasury in Nevada on an Indian Reservation because Indian Reservations have free trade zones.

55. In 2015 Marine Corp. General Dunford was selected to be the interim President of the New Republic because he had recently been appointed by Congress to be the Joint Chief of Staff at the Pentagon.

56. Also in 2015 when Paul Ryan replaced John Boehner as Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House, he did so knowing he would eventually replace Dunford as the interim President of the New Republic.

57. On Jan.1 2016 Paul Ryan replaced Dunford as interim President of the New Republic. He will remain in place as the interim US President until the Nov. 2016 elections.

58. Dunford stepped down to fill the slot as Vice President of the New Republic.

59. On March 31 2016 the US finally joined BRICS, opening the door for the New Republic to take over and dictate US monetary policy under rules as outlined in the original US Constitution.

60. The New Republic of United States government and Treasury were restored at 6:30 pm Wednesday, March 30, 2016 when the Dragon Family released funding for the New Republic (the real reason for the Chinese visit to the White House that day).

61. The Dragon Family 100 billion in gold that was leased to the new US Treasury and temporarily stored in Texas, was shipped to the new US Treasury in Reno.

62. As of March 29 2016 the USA Inc government cabal membership was being legally arrested. This was expected to continue until all known “dark agents” were rounded up.

63. Also as of March 30 2016, redemption 800#s were released to the New Republic leadership for final implementation at some unknown time. These 800#s could be released anytime per internal discretion.

64. The GCR is about to take place, along with the release of 800 numbers. The New Republic will be announced some time after the GCR has taken place, suspected to be around July 4 2016.

65. Under the New Republic the Federal Reserve is closed.

66. Under the New Republic the IRS and corrupt judges will be dealth with.

67. Under the New Republic the Bar Association and all US attorneys will have to renounce their Bar Oath to the Temple Bar of London and become lawyers, but they can’t be considered attorneys anymore.

68. The individual governments of the 50 states will remain in place.

69. The North American Union is now done. Washington D.C. has been dis-incorporated.

70. Pope Francis has fired five of the Cardinals out of the Vatican Bank which controlled the world currency before instigation of BRICS.

71. The New Republic Military is in the process of reclaiming all military installations.

72. The purpose of the New US Republic is to function as a restored Constitutional Government as established pre-Civil War.

73. Announcement of the New Republic is pending, but some say it will be done on July 4 2016, along with forgiveness of bank and individual debt, plus release of this documentary:

I Am posting a selected email response posted by The Ruiner. It hits the nail smack-dab on the head. Some has said, This is dis-information! That is a decision left only to the individual doing the research.

I Am and have always have a positive outlook on life. My dreams have always manifested during this incarnation. My search has been for the truth and the let 10 years nothing by the truth. I Am, for One, sick of the bullshit.

If you have not read the entire blog of The Ruiner, then your research is incomplete.  I would encourage you to read all of the blog (it’s not that long) and without judgment. Truth really does reside within your heart and cellular memory.

Remember, NO BODY is coming to save you! Not the BRICS. Not the Galactic. Not even Jesus…

One must save them self!  And it’s easier if we stand together as One against evil and corruption.

Get off your damn knees. Stand for yourself. Do not rely on BRICs, or Avians or any Unity Consciousness to stand for you.

The Illuminati KNOW VERY WELL that all it takes is YOU standing up and refusing this control and guidance and accepting the responsibility of your thoughts, emotions and actions – for yourself. All the information you need is out there. What is not out there is IN YOU.

–The Ruiner


Posted from:


TheRuiner posted on 4/08/2015:

Email Response

It seems these blogs had some new visitors today. Someone connected what your writer is saying here with what someone else is saying on a forum. -Interesting forum name btw-

So I feel I should write something here for the new eyes on this blog from the forum:

Your writer is a former Illuminati member. Brought up within their systems and programs. That is true. Your writer has said plenty on this already.

If your writer wanted to earn points with the Illuminati he would be talking to researchers reinforcing the agenda. He was asked to do so, but would not. Here everyone, anyone or no one can read it all.

Your writer has spoken with more than a few researchers in this field. At times your writer has released information to these researchers who have then published the information on their own sites. Not even they knew your writers name.

Creative writing? If that is my intention I should probably quit. Your writer is definitely lacking skills in that regard.

Many angry emails sent to defend your Whistleblower. Respectable. I’m not looking to attack your Whistleblower, readers. Relax. If you can be hypnotized, you can be programmed. If you make it through Boot Camp, you can be hypnotized. If you have ever been programmed by previously mentioned Projects or Programs, you still have THIS program in your mind. This is not your fault. You have a chance to admit “I was/am wrong” and you have the chance to say “I am sorry” because you are just making an honest mistake. The heart is certainly in the right place. It’s easy to miss programming.

You’ve added a lot of you to what you say which is beautiful, you just really need to avoid the rest.

There are benevolent ETs. ALL of which are too aware of Natural Law and Free Will and Karma to “Save You”.

Ruiner___Prepare_To_Be_Let_DownHumans: You are under control because you asked for it. You refuse to save yourself so your Draconian overlords saved you. Now you want another race to save you from the Draconians? It does not matter how spectacular any ET race seems – If you NEED them, they can and will, control you. (The Draco are abadoning you anyways, but that is another blog)

Get off your damn knees. Stand for yourself. Do not rely on BRICs, or Avians or any Unity Consciousness to stand for you.

The Illuminati KNOW VERY WELL that all it takes is YOU standing up and refusing this control and guidance and accepting the responsibility of your thoughts, emotions and actions – for yourself. All the information you need is out there. What is not out there is IN YOU.

Give up the lip lock you have on the technological titty, and you will see you can look after yourself without some Parental Figure like – ET to SAVE you. Return to being a Natural Being on this planet and give up your cybernetic dreams. Nature will reconnect you to the abilities that have been occulted but exist within all of you. At that point, the Illuminati can no longer enslave or control you. The Draconians would’ve given up if you weren’t begging them to protect you by giving you iPhones and iMACs and Google Cars and _________.


One email I received was a copy and paste from a forum where someone asks: “IF ITS ALL A PSY-OP – if its all an Illuminati psy-op as she claims, then why would they even need to create it at all?” This person goes on to say ” IF ITS REAL – if the so-called Blue Avians etc DO exist and are beneficial, then The Powers That Were should be rightfully VERY concerned that their enemy is now disclosing highly sensitive secret info to the masses via the internet.

I will respond with a question: Did you read the blog you are questioning? It is quite clear WHY this has been put in place. Having you accept and invite the Blue Avians and BRICS et al as your saviors from the Cabal is A LOT easier than having to put you in FEMA-like camps. We could drag you kicking and screaming, OR, we can set a trap. Thousands of years now we have been forming your thoughts and you think we are too stupid to anticipate that SOME humans are not going to freely accept the agenda? The Illuminati WANTS you to believe it. That is all I am saying. You choose whether you do or not.

Now ask yourselves this: If the Blue Avians ARE real then why worry about disinformation? It’s not even logical to assume that the Illuminati would run counter-psy-ops if they KNEW about Blue Avians, because……

If a benevolent race DID decide to SAVE YOU the Illuminati COULD NOT stop them. Let that one roll around your head for a while.

You would rather believe that they can pull you out of your bed in the middle of the night for a meeting than they could do anything else that would be FAR MORE EFFECTIVE than dragging people out of their homes in their underwear?

THIS is why the Illuminati laughs at you.

Oh, and if I’m saying the Illuminati wants you to believe this, and so you don’t (drum roll please) Aren’t your Blue Avians going to save you anyways? If you assume I am giving out disinformation, and so you do believe it (drum roll please) aren’t the Blue Avians going to save you anyways?

If they were what they claim, this would not be a battle of information. If you are right the Blue Avians will show up anytime now and slap my fingers with a ruler. If I am right, well, you can read this blog again this same time next year when I’m telling you how the newest savior is also not going to save you.

The average human would gladly accept a cybernetic implant that makes them more than human. Those of you who have figured out that the Illuminati do not have your best interests in mind, are not likely to freely accept their implants and new forms of control through a new monetary system, a new religion, a new governance. It’s just easier if you do. So we will give you someone you admire to follow and a race you trust. The end result is the same whether you follow the plan by will or by force. It’s just easier if you do.

The rest of the comment and question sent to me is not worth commenting on. Very narrow view you have there. You obviously missed something very important.

The only reason you were warned by the Blue Avians about disinformation is those who dreamed them up do not want to be questioned.

The Illuminati want (but don’t need) the majority to consent. Plain and simple. They do not want to fight and if they wanted to just kill you off or throw you in prisons, you’d be there. The Illuminati only benefit, if you come willingly. (The Draco wanted you dead, The Illuminati have devised a way to keep you around, so long as you behave like good little children. Which is all you are to them. Your parents didn’t convince you Santa existed because they hate you.)

You have proven that all we need to do is offer you free energy, remove the money system you know, and kill off the Cabal for you to follow the agenda (again). Every religion written has accomplished the same. So to the point: The MESSAGE delivered by the Blue Avians and their host IS your new religion at it’s earliest stages. Before you get confused, please remember that the basic message in the Holy Bible is positive and of great benefit to Mankind. It’s just EVERYTHING ELSE that has controlled your mind. Same will apply to this new religion.

It will start off with everything you want; Love and light, peace and good will. It will be everything wrapped around it which will, as it has, lead you astray. You know how this works, so why the question?

The Illuminati do fear you. You have the same power they have, and they know it. That is why they try to hide it from you.

They WOULD feel pretty threatened by forums like the one these comments were sent from. The problem is we monitor them and we see that you all fight with yourselves and argue and disagree and hold bias and worship ect. The few of you who don’t are only a slight worry because they are 1 out of 20 forum members. Members have been sent into your circles to sell you lies. You kill off the ones who do tell you the truth -or ignore them- and praise those who create a the perfect script for you.

He, She – Makes no difference to your writer.

There is no intention to put down your whistleblower or his contact researcher. They are expected to do what they are doing. It is not a problem. Your writer simply wishes to put this information out for you to read or not read. There is no competition here because I don’t want their audience, I don’t want your donations, and I am not going to play your Huckleberry. My personal focus is only to help by giving you some truth.

Your writer doesn’t know everything, but your writer does know your whistleblower is lying. He and his wife created a story that works with the ego of his contact. His back story is half true and half mixed with information he transplanted from other whistleblowers (which is why not a single aspect of his story is new to your community ).

He has gotten away with his lies so long now that he truly believes this entire movement is BS and there is no Illuminati or Secret Space Program (“they would have contacted me by now to tell me to shut up, wouldn’t they? They must not exist.”) Soon enough, he will know otherwise.

Your writer has read the story, and wishes it were true, but knows better.

Now that all of this was said, please keep your forum dramas to yourself and please don’t ask me to respond to any more of this.

To the email-er: Hey you asked for this! haha

Great news… Remember, our ‘thoughts’ create our ‘reality’ in this matrix. Think only on those things you desire.  Control your thoughts and spend some time meditating.

Peace Out People…

Angel Lucci


Posted from:

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

James Gilliland Update: I Am in Contact and Working with Major Key Players as Far as The Currency Re-Evaluation

Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 13-Nov-2014 11:56:40


First I apologize for not being available lately due to traveling and dental concerns. I had two crowns prepared and a molar pulled in one day. I am also in Mexico at a place that will remain undisclosed. There has been many inquiries as to what is happening on many levels. There is so much going on I almost don’t know where to start. Foster Gamble put out a youtube video concerning your money is about to change.

I highly recommend watching it mainly because it will save me a lot of typing. I am in contact and working with major key players as far as the currency re-evaluation, the movement back to universal law and sovereignty. I am glad Foster and Kimberly decided to put out this information yet there is more to the story. What is unfolding is in alignment with universal law and the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. It is a step one of many. Eventually we will evolve to a civilization that does not use money as most advanced civilizations. For this to occur we must make the shift to unity consciousness. The 9th wave the Mayans speak of is a wave of consciousness and energy that is exponentially increasing until all match its vibration or frequency. What is unfolding fits into that process. While there are some who are trying to create WW3, creating false flags, fake epidemics etc. to govern you through fear and dependency they are imploding due to a much grander force. This force includes families and mega trusts aligned with a higher force for good.

Many refer to these negative factions as the cabal, zionists, illuminati etc. I have to ask what is so illumined and enlightened about separation, greed and actions harmful to humanity and the Earth. These are all base, primitive beliefs. What they refer to as superior in action and belief is in fact inferior and not frequency specific to the evolutionary path of Earth. What they refer to as power has nothing to do with power. Power comes from source, prime creator and prime creator, God, Creator, Great Spirit what ever you want to call it is love. Love is the ultimate power in the universe. So where is the love in their thought and action? Where is the nobel virtue? No love, joy, bliss, no power. What you have is a very primitive mind cut off from spirit and trapped in the false ego.

Those who operate under universal law, love and serve all creation are coming forward. They are riding the 9th wave. They are multidimensional and are a force beyond comprehension. This force includes the benevolent Annunaki which are recalling the fallen ones left behind. Those who broke universal law are standing in front of the councils, facing their deeds and the consequences. The Pleiadians, Orion Council of Light. Arcturians, Andromedans, and a host of other extremely advanced off worlders or what others refer to as ultradimensionals are all coming forward to liberate the Earth and reset her back on her original course. There is a massive cleanup of the archon network a collection of demonic and degenerate Ets which is about 80% complete. This means their puppets here on Earth will loose their false power, protection and guidance by these dark forces. It is a recipe for disaster for the dark hearts especially when the masses wake up to who they are and what they have done. This is the big picture yet there are many aspects to it. Universal Law demands that everyone do their part, make the necessary changes in their lives aligned with Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Freedom and Prosperity for all is the base foundation for Universal Law. It is was summed up in two sentences by one of your masters. Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourselves. There is one more sentence necessary. Honor the Creator in All Creation, the sacred circle of life. We need to be kind to each other and all creation. Live a life in balance.

Now I have to ask how many of your institutions operate according to Universal Law. Your religions separate man from God and God from Creation when in fact you cannot separate the Creator from Creation nor man from omnipresence. Your governments serve the corporations, souless entities which worship profit at any expense. This has caused the greatest suffering to humanity and the Earth. The war industry is responsible the escalation of wars and the pharmaceutical industry is responsible for the escalation of disease. The oil industry is responsible for the escalation of pollution along with the nuclear industry, coal industry etc. all unnecessary with todays advanced fueless energy systems. Your media is bought and controlled designed to trap you in the external disempowering you from making your internal connection to source. This is all governed on the highest levels by the archon network a grid which is being torn asunder as we speak. We are in that process and it is well underway. We still have free will to choose which world we wish to support and participate in yet one world is coming to a close. My best advice is to choose wisely in thought and action in the days to come because that will determine your future or lack thereof. Let the archon network fall, don’t participate in it. If you have played a big part in that network and benefited from it now is the time to play a big part in the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. Time to balance out the karma.

There is action/reaction, there is a grand uncovering where all iniquities will be shouted from the rooftops. Nothing will remain hidden, there is no protection other than forgiveness and right action from ones karma. This is true soul repentance not lip service. This must be followed by restitution. Sound biblical? It is far beyond the bible or any religion. It is what is unfolding and the path to freedom and survival during these challenging times. We have the technology to end disease and regenerate the body. We have the technology to supply all our energy and transportation needs fuelessly. We have the ability through organic technologies to feed the world. The resources are there to end poverty, homelessness, all of the ills of humanity. This includes process oriented therapies to heal the mind of wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences. The only thing missing is the leadership and the uprising. Both are in the wind backed by forces beyond imagination. Be the force. Be well,

James Gilliland


Disclosure is a beautiful thing…  To some, it may be a nightmare.

Enjoy and remember, read without judgement based on past programming and discern the truth through your heart. Get out of your mind quickly!



Posted from:

Nesara blog

by Preston James

aliens-nordic1Note: This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Secret Space War matters. Its purpose is to provide information about a certain group of notably evil Alien ET visitors who formed a long-term association with Super-elite criminally-insane Psychopaths who hijacked America in 1913. These super-elite Deviants were given incredible power and authority in exchange for enacting the evil Agenda of this Alien ET group best described as Cosmic Parasites. This group of super-elite Deviants is best referred to as the Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) AKA the “Illuminati”.
If you are not aware of the background information and evidence that is available about this ongoing Secret Space War, you are probably wasting your time reading this and it won’t fit into your mind.
The Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) has done their best to keep you from knowing about Secret Space War matters. There has been a long term energetic effort to keep this information from “We the People” as well as anyone including the High Military Command who does not have what they define as an “absolute need to know”.
Recently during the last several years Majestic-12 (AKA MAJIC), the Secret Group that has maintained authority over all Alien ET matters since it was created by President Truman in 1947, has apparently voted to allow public disclosure.
The Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) is comprised of a Working Alliance between the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) and the International Zionist crime Syndicate (IZCS). This Ruling Crime Cabal/Coalition is best described as the Illuminati because that is what they call themselves and prefer to be called by Insiders.
2This RCC gained power in three major Coup d’ Etats, the first in 1913 with the illegal, Unconstitutional passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the second with the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the third with the deployment of a Gladio-style, False-Flag Inside-job Nuclear Attack on America on 9/11/01. It was during this time that Israel used nuclear blackmail to coerce the US Administration and top USG officials to allow the creation of Homeland Security (DHS).
The creation of Israeli controlled Homeland security (DHS) provided an illegal, Unconstitutional consolidation of all American Alphabets, Law Enforcement and most Intel into one large, easy to control Israeli occupying Police State Army inside America.
This article will claim that the “Worm has Turned” at a very high level and the RCC is now being contained, dis-empowered and deconstructed piece by piece due to an interesting convergence of various forces and entities including the US High Military Command. Because this article contains information leaked by insiders and as well as numerous speculations, use your own judgment to evaluate what is presented and come to your own conclusions.
Be aware that many good individuals have been seriously harassed, stalked, threatened and even murdered to bring you this kind of information because the Ruling Criminal Cabal (RCC) does not want you to have any of this information about Secret Space Wars or Alien Agenda matters. The reason? This will be explained in the article and is best summarized that full public disclosure will likely result in a major immediate loss of power for the RCC at every level and will create a complete disruption of the Alien Agenda they are working so hard to fulfill which is about as anti-American and anti-human as possible.
The Worm Has Turned
bd-03When Shakespeare used that simple phrase, “The worm has turned,” he knew his audience would understand its meaning and origin. A widely used expression even today, it indicates a reversal of fortune, but few who use it know why.
“Worm” is a common term for ‘Dragon.’ In fairy tale terms, the flying Dragon spewing fire would ravage fields and villages. To be in the dragon’s path resulted in inescapable destruction. What a relief if it changed directions.(1)
The most secret Agency of the US Government has apparently decided that Disclosure is now going to be allowed, despite the existing official, but secret USG policy against it.
New information has emerged. It now appears that even though the Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) aka the Illuminati, has been against Alien ET Disclosure, the super secret organization called Majestic-12 has decided that Disclosure will be allowed.
Apparently Majestic-12 has also decided that this Disclosure must be done in a controlled manner so as not to panic the populace or fracture the existing everyday social and economic order.
Disclosure will lead to the implementation of Populism, the implementation of Free Energy, and the end of the petroleum based economy, which would be the RCC’s biggest nightmare.
In contrast to the apparent new policy of Majestic-12 for full disclosure in orderly steps, strong efforts are still being made by the Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) to maintain this secret policy of no disclosure. These efforts to prevent disclosure are now doomed to failure, mostly due to the emerging worldwide populism that has spontaneously arisen as a byproduct of the Internet and its ability to communicate information at the speed of light. But there is another reason that Disclosure is imminent.
Free Energy Systems have been discovered and developed and are ready to be rolled out and will completely displace the Petroleum based energy systems which control the World.
Apparently Majestic-12 has decide that the time for the implementation of “Free Energy” is now here as long as it is implemented in an orderly manner. This is also know as “Zero Point Energy” or “Dark Energy” or “Cosmic Wind”. It is believed that Tesla discovered this and was able to harness it.
There have been previous anecdotal reports of one Alien ET group, the Tall Whites (aka Nordics) have been pushing for “full disclosure”. And there have been other anecdotal reports suggesting that another Alien ET group, known as the evil Reptoids (aka Dracos) are reputed to be serving as advisors to certain leaders of the RCC and are pushing hard to maintain complete secrecy and “non-disclosure”.
The RCC appears to be cornered from all sides with many vectors converging on them in addition to the rapid rate at which their crimes against Americans and the world are being exposed and communicated to the masses.
Certainly the RCC ‘s top Policy-Makers and Crime Kingpins (aka the Denver Circle of Twelve Bloodthirsty ones”) have a lot of power they would lose in a short period of time is full disclosure occurs and a non-petroleum based “Free Energy” system is rolled out. All the technology is already discovered and ready to go, and would have already been implemented except for the Petroleum Energy Cartels who established a stranglehold on the nations governments.
And now there is the notable emergence of the ever increasingly popular BRICS Development bank which has a total of 170 nations who have either signed on or submitted letters of intent. This is a direct threat to the US Petro Dollars use as the World’s reserve Currency and unless some unforeseen events occur, will probably eventually dethrone the US petro Dollar and reduce it to worthless paper.
It was the RCC that seized control over the official USG and much of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) after they assassinated JFK, MLK and RFK.
The RCC has attempted to take control over Majestic-12 but never fully succeeded thanks to the strong commitment of some of the members who have been high Military Command Officials and are known to be America-firsters with strong moral characters.
A traditional Split in Majestic-12.
It has been claimed by some insiders that there has been a traditional split in Majestic Twelve), the super-secret USG Agency that decides and controls all matters relating to Alien ETs, Alien Technology back-engineering and implementation, and Space War matters which are actually matters of serious National Security(2). It is believed by some insiders that some Majestic-12 members have been against Disclosure to “We the People” on the basis that it would be too traumatic and would result in the failure of major Institutions of the USG to keep functioning properly.
It is believed by some that other members of Majesty-12 were in favor of it because they felt that the secret could no longer be contained anyway. it was also believed by some that the USG institutions were failing because of the hijacking of key USG and SSG Policy-Makers by a group of Alien ETs who violated conditions of their joint treaty with the USG.
It turns out that the first group of Aliens the USG signed a treaty with are controlled by evil, deceptive liars and Cosmic Parasites.
Some of the members of Majestic-12 began to believe that the Alien ET group a treaty had been signed with was intrinsically deceptive, evil and had an Alien Agenda. But the USG entered into this first treaty made in the early 1950′s in order to acquire Alien ET technology. But they had to allow the Alien ETs access to humans for taking blood and tissue samples for genetic analysis and gene-splicing. Apparently their race was slowly dying of decrepit genes and they wanted to use human genes to re-engineer and repair their race.
Some members of Majestic-12 came to believe that this Alien Agenda was basically evil. And that it consisted of an intent to Terra-Form the Earth, drastically reduce the Earth’s population by 90%, and repopulate the Earth with their own species and a new gene-spliced creation of androids created by them.
alien-alpha-draconian322Some have identified this Alien Force as the Dracos, the Reptilians, aka the Order of the Snake and they have their own race of android “Greys” servants that they created through gene-splicing . If reports that have leaked out are correct, these Dracos have been functioning for many centuries as a powerful Evil Cosmic Parasite.
And that they have invaded Planet Earth and hijacked its structures of government by “raising up” and “anointing” certain bloodlines to serve their needs. In exchange these anointed “World Rulers” are given vast power, riches, status and wealth beyond imagination as long as they keep “feeding the monsters”. Some believe that the Dracos are actually inter-dimensional “Fallen Angels” aka the “Fallen Ones”.
We need to stop feeding the Monsters that are operating as Cosmic Parasites upon us.
Feeding the monsters means supplying their negative energy needs by causing as much painful death and suffering in humans as possible. To do this wars are staged as mass human sacrifice rituals dedicated to these Dracos. And the top RCC leaders (aka the Denver Circle of Twelve) conducts semi-annual ritual sacrifices of children on Satanic Holidays to feed their monster overlords which are Cosmic Parasites according to insider reports. There have been insider reports that these Dracos are inter-dimensional spirit beings that are exceedingly evil and hate all humans and everything they stand for and have created.
It is also believed that they have lived for thousands of years and have been hard at work dominating and parasitizing Planet earth and humans off and on for many centuries, being driven lout at times in the past through major corrections, planetary disasters of some kind of Cosmic Correction or Judgment.
Some identify these bloodlines as Alien/human hybrids (e.g. Nephilim Male X Human Female). Some call them the Kenites or the bloodline of Cain who were given the power to rule over evil, folks who display the symbol of the Mark of Cain which is a double cross or “double-X”. If this is true this would perhaps best be described as an Alien Parasite that invaded Planet Earth appointing, anointing, and empowering select human bloodlines which may or may not be hybridized with their blood, and appointing and anointing these folks to rule Planet Earth according to their Evil Alien Agenda.
As this narrative goes, the Dracos created “Mystery Babylon” which is their system of Babylonian Money-Magick, that is, creating money from nothing as “debt-notes” in order to transfer wealth from the masses to themselves through the creation and use of “pernicious usury” (debt that accrues in such a way that it can never be paid off).
Mystery Babylon and Babylonian Black Magick (aka the notably evil Luciferian Black Arts).
Insiders have traditionally referred to this system as Mystery Babylon or they simply us the code word “the Baby” to each other to represent it when around others who are not part of the RCC. This system, Mystery Babylon, has been owned and operated by a small select group of ultimate insiders who have called themselves the Illuminati or the “Enlightened Ones”, that is, enlightened by their god Lucifer whom they worship and feel empowered by.
The top leaders of the RCC are reputed to be Luciferians and part of a worldwide death cult (an occult network using Freemasonry as a front) and are also involved in a working arrangement and association with the evil Alien ET group the Dracos. This association between Greys and the occult was written about by Aleister Crowley who claimed a “Grey” walked through the wall of a pyramid he was inside of in Eqypt into his presence. There have been some reports that those in the Denver Circle of Twelve, the Top Illuminati all have personal spirit guides who appear to them during Blood sacrifice rituals and other times and are believe to be Dracos.
The Top Leaders of the RCC appear to be recruited from known bloodlines classically associated with Lucifer, some consider to be related to Cain (aka the Kenites).
If these key bloodlnes from which the top World Leaders are picked to be part of the RCC are the Kenites (progeny of Cain) as some claim, this would explain why they like to display the double-cross (Two X’s, with on placed on top of the other placed at 45 degrees sharing the same center, or two attached X’s, also called the “Double-Cross”). This double cross is called the “Mark of Cain” and symbolizes the Luciferian crossing out of the cross of Jesus Christ, known to be the arch enemy of the Denver Circle of Twelve.
The Agenda of these key bloodlines which have supposedly been selected and anointed by this evil Alien Group the Dracos has been kept secret from the masses. But it is notably Evil beyond imagination and involves sophisticated methodologies and technologies to “thin the herd” by “ministering death to the masses”. And all done supposedly to supposedly thin the human herd and purify and maintain the human race to the highest standards as obedient slaves of the Dracos.
Limited Disclosure has been occurring for over the last twenty years.
Over the last twenty years there has been substantial Disclosure through TV documentaries, books and weekend seminars and meetings. Nothing official however except for the honest truthful statements made by President Jimmy Carter who has a reputation for honesty and integrity, and some quite interesting comments by President Ronald Reagan.
Before Senators Barry Goldwater’s death he shared his experience with a journalist of questioning General Curtis Lemay about Hanger 18 at Wright Patterson AFB while he was a Major General in the USAF Reserve. He was supposedly told by General Lemay that if he insisted he would be shown the actual Alien ET bodies and then learn the actual facts about Alien ETs, but that he would be closely monitored the rest of his life. He concluded that it just wasn’t worth it and came away with the idea that Alien ETs were very real based on what General Lemay communicated to him when he advised him against insisting on learning too much about them.
Another Alien ET Group has become involved because the Dracos crossed a certain line.
There have been a number of Alien ET groups visiting Planet earth. Most have been simple observers and desire to do no harm. However one group the Dracos using their specially gene-spliced hybrids a certain type of what some folks cal the Greys, are exceedingly Evil parasites that view the Earth as theirs for the taking and the humans that inhabit it as their prey.
Apparently there are accepted Rules of Play in the Universe establish by the Creator, God Almighty, and one is that any group cannot take over another group with obtaining their consent. And apparently there is another Rule of Play that the use of Fission, Fusion, or free energy (aka dark energy) cannot be allowed to get out of hand in waging war, and cannot be allowed to become a serious threat the existence of Planet Earth and perhaps other parts of the Universe.
Have the Tall Whites (Nordics) already began interfering in the evil Alien Agenda of the Dracos?
If this reality seems imminent it is believed by some insiders that the Tall Whites (Nordics) will intervene in various non-violent defensive ways to make sure this will not happen. It is believed by some insiders that they have already intervened at times are now working with certain sectors in US Intel to intercede against the RCC and the Dracos who control them.
The current narrative some insiders have been claiming to associates is that the Dracos have crossed a certain line by using their Illuminati Ruling Crime Cabal RCC) to distribute nuclear weapons all over the world and to have been deploying them and setting them off in secret such as they did at the Bali bombing, the Murrah Building and the Twin Towers on 9/11/01 as well in numerous other instances during the Mideast wars and even Vietnam which involved the use of micro and min-nukes and high tech neutron or special jacketed devices.
The Tall Whites which some refer to as Nordics are claimed by some to be acting as a powerful ounter-force to the Evil Dracos which are believed to be life and energy sucking cosmic parasites.
There Alien ET Group the Tall Whites Nordics) some view as benevolent and much milder manner than the Dracos, has now allegedly aligned itself with the Russian High Military Command and some elements in the US High Command or Secret Shadow Government (SSG). They could be meeting directly with such Officials in group settings or influencing matters by working with single individuals unknown to the rest. At this time such information is not available so we can’t know for sure but some insiders have claimed that this group of Alien ETs are benevolent towards humans, in some cases can pass for them and believe that the human race is at the crossroads of history. And kit is possible that a new separate treaty has been formed between the USG and the Tall Whites through Majesty-12.
Have the Tall Whites delivered a Final Warning to Majesty-12 and the top USG Policy-Makers?
It has been alleged that their view is that either the masses, especially We the People in America pull together, wake up, break the mind-kontrolled spell that has been conditioned upon us and take our government back. If this is not done, apparently the Dracos will able to forge ahead and activate their mass-death and destruction program based on deploying mass pestilence and limited nuclear war on the whole world.
This narrative includes the notion that the Dracos cannot proceed without the continuing consent provided by We the People who are for the most part asleep at the wheel, but just starting to wake up in mass, thanks to the Internet which is the new Gutenberg Press. I cannot tell you for sure that this narrative is true other than it could be and is plausible based on numerous anecdotal reports.
An end to all secrecy seems imminent and is now well under way and seems to be driven by the influence of the Tall Whites who some believe are generating world populism through the Internet.
Apparently the current situation is this. If reports are accurate, the Tall Whites are now working behind the lines to make sure that all secrecy ends and that the secret crimes of the RCC are fully exposed to the public via the Internet and word of mouth through information diffusion. It does seem quite interesting so many Deep Black Secret Shadow Government Secrets have been exposed lately and so many “thought to be secret” phone conversations and documents. There is every reason to believe this trend will continue and will speed up. I expect a complete end to all secrecy within two years at the rate this is occurring.
The RCC is cornered, desperate and perhaps may deploy more nuclear false-flag terror on America.
Right now it appears that the RCC is cornered, desperate and may deploy additional nuclear false-flag attacks on America in order to attempt to re-establish their failing control system. This would probably a final effort to re-establish complete authority in their system or control which is eroding daily, best described as “going for broke”. Some believed they were going for broke with their nuclear attack on America on 9/11/01. Now that what they did to America on 9/11/01 has been discovered, perhaps they believe they must escalate matters by deploying even another, even more brazen, more deadly false-flag nuclear attack on America before too many Americans find out what they did on 9/11/01.
Will the RCC attempt to use Homeland Security (DHS) to lock down America and is this doomed to failure and blowback beyond their imagination?
If they do this it is expected they will attempt to use Homeland Security (DHS) to lock-down America and declare martial Law. This will create a serious battle between We the People and these Draco driven Luciferian Kingpins who run the RCC.
Has majesty-12 attained space-weapon parity with the Dracos?
Has Majestic-12 actually developed new weapons systems which can for the first time provide a serious match against the Dracos should they continue with their Agenda to invade and populate the World, starting in Africa first? There have been some anecdotal reports of this and if so this would explain why there may have been a major policy change within Majestic-12 to favor complete disclosure and actually permit it and perhaps even facilitate it.
Has a major turning point occurred within the last month?
Two major events occurred within the last two months which suggest that “the worm has turned”. The first incident was the phone message left on Ambassador Lee Wanta’s Washington DC Embassy phone system by Former Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist and former South Dakota State Senator Sheldon R. Songstad.
This phone call threat to Wanta begs for indictments and prosecution for numerous Federal Crimes including RICO. If fully investigated and completely prosecuted, this matter could easily unravel the whole USG. These two individuals had allegedly previously stated they were the Puppet-Masters.(2)
The second incident was the recent announcement by US Attorney General Eric Holder that he was resigning. Were these two matters connected. Or was this recorded threat to lee Wanta just the final straw that broke the Camel’s back. It was also recently ruled by a Federal judge that the Benghazi documents could no longer be withheld after November 1, 2014. Some believe that if the full documents are released by Holder’s office many top Administration folks (some former ones) will be ruined and some even prosecutable.
And Veterans Today own Professor Jim Fetzer and his fellow researchers have completely cracked the Sandy Hook event which was a false-flag attack on the Second Amendment and a FEMA/DHS Capstone Level Drill with No Dead Kids, No Dead Teachers, No Dead Lanzas and all faked using paid shills and actors.
It is likely going to be a very traumatic and difficult battle for We the People to expose, block, subdue and drive out the enemy within. there will be many major losses and a great battle ahead on many fronts. But we will be victorious.
And as we now know the RCC is little more than a big Alien ET driven international Drug Cartel/money laundering enterprise now operating as an exceedingly Evil (beyond imagination) Parasite on America and most of the World dedicated to deploying mass painful death and destruction on mankind.
The RCC is empowered and driven by a powerful Cosmic Parasite, the Reptoids (Dracos) whose grasp on Planet Earth is now diminishing by the day, thanks to the establishment of a new Space Weapons parity and a little help from our current associates the Tall Whites (Nordics). Due to the recent events and continued exposure of deep secrets of the RCC, it seem obvious that the Worm has Turned and the massive power of the RCC will be deconstructed piece by piece in the near future, no matter what they do to prevent it which will only create more direct blowback against them.
The RCC may resort to deploying their Samson option and take out several America Cities, however this would be their last act as the US Military High Command would most likely eradicate them in short order for this.

Posted from:

Illuminati News

Dialogue with “Hidden Hand”, Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider
by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Dec 27, 2008

This self-proclaimed illuminati [def] Insider appeared on the “Above Top Secret” forum in October 2008, giving away information about the Illuminati Agenda and their goals. The reason for this, he says, is because time is right for us to know some of what is going on behind the scenes. And when he explains WHY he needs to reveal it now, it’s very convincing. In this article I will post the dialogue between the “Above Top Secret Forum” members and “Hidden Hand” in its entirety.

Please take time to read through this whole dialogue (yes, I know it’s long, but I think we all can benefit from it, even if you end up not believing what is said). When you read it, you need to have an open mind; you can’t be stuck in dogma or think you “have it all figured out” already, because then it doesn’t matter what he says, you won’t believe it.

Here are some points which makes him very believable; one being that the forum members he is communicating with make up pages after pages of random questions (as you can see in this article) and he answers them intelligently and precisely without the delay it would take for a person presenting a hoax to come up with them. This is also what the forum members notice. And he is consistent! Many of the questions are very good, deep, to the point and philosophical, and this guy (or woman, we don’t know – this being claims not to be from this Earth), manages to reply on a very deep level, and his answers don’t contradict each other. In an advanced and intelligent dialogue like this, it’s very unlikely anyone would be able to do that without giving himself away at some point. You will most certainly notice he/she is sincere.

Ever wondered who is “on top of the Pyramid?” He gives us a clue. The bloodline he represents is well above the Rothschild’s in power and in the hierarchy and is extra-terrestrial in origin. The 13 bloodlines we have been talking about thus far on this website and others, with the Rothschild’s in a top position together with the Merovingian Nobility, are quite low rank in the Big Pyramid Structure, and are the ones playing a power game here on Earth, only aware of parts of the Big Game (a need to know basis). The bloodline “Hidden Hand” is supposedly belonging to is way more advanced and higher rank.

I really think this being believes in what he is saying, and whether he is deceived himself to some degree or not, this is most probably what is driving the Illuminati. These are their goals! It leaves you with a pretty strange feeling after have read it all, but deep inside it rings true.

His answers may need to be read more than once to understand the different layers of what he is telling us. Afterwards, when you start connecting the dots you notice that a lot of pieces in the big puzzle that previously were missing and left unanswered, suddenly fit.

If you are visiting the Illuminati News website for the first time, already have a fair concept of what the Illuminati and the New World Order is about, and you only intend to read ONE article from my huge database, I would say this one would be the one to read! [You certainly don’t want to lose this page and then need to go through data recovery on your internet browser hoping you didn’t lose it so you can come back to it later!]

It’s been hard to perceive what ULTIMATELY drives the Illuminati. Greed? Yes. Power? Of course. Control? Sure. But you always have this feeling that there is a deeper mystery behind their “Great Work of the Ages”. This may very well be the answer!

When you are done reading this article and feel inspired, please go to the website, Law of One, and start absorbing the information presented there. It is a huge database on the same subject, but extensively expanded. Both these article, may if we read them with understanding plus an open mind and an open heart, show us the real so(u)lution to the New World Order [def] problem.


The following is just an excerpt of the 61 pages of information.  Obviously we are now on a positive timeline which no longer supports some of the answers provided, yet this was their ultimate plan to keep us on a negate timeline. There is still going to be a gathering of souls but you’ll have to provide your own scenario as to where you end up or what you desire for your life.  Enjoy the read.

Angel Lucci


Without Polarity, (derived from Free Will), there is only the Unity of Love and Light, and no choice to experience ‘other than’ that. So, we were to be the Catalyst for change, in order to provide that choice, thus bringing Polarity. Yahweh agreed that we would introduce the concept of Free Will to Earth’s inhabitants, by offering them an initial choice, as to whether they ‘wanted’ it or not. Hence, “The Tree of the Knowledge of ‘Good and Evil'” (or more accurately, the Knowledge of Polarity, of Positive or Negative). Yahweh takes his inhabitants to a new ‘garden’ and tells them you can do anything you like, except this one thing, thus creating the desire to do the one thing there are told they cannot. Hence, a “Choice”. We provide the Catalyst by telling them the benefits of attaining Knowledge, they eat from the tree, and the rest is history.

Yahweh thought that his ‘Children’ would still choose to obey him, and when he discovered they did not, he became angry. As he himself describes in his scriptures, he is a “Jealous God”, and he did not like it that his ‘children’ had chose to disobey him, and follow our advice. We’re already committed to being here for a predefined set of “Cycles” to help provide the Catalyst for Human evolution, namely by offering you the Negative Option, or that which you choose to call “evil”. Now that Free Will had been granted, Yahweh could not retract it, and we have to stay here as contracted to continue to provide the planet with the Polarity choice. Since then, Yahweh has confined us (as a Group Soul) here within the Earth’s Astral Planes (which is very constricting and uncomfortable for a Being of our Wisdom and experience). The Council of Elders gave us the choice to be released (against Yahweh’s will), but at the cancellation of our contract to Serve the planet earth; or to remain and fulfil our assignment, and endure Yahweh’s self proclaimed “Wrath”. We stayed, but as a karmic result of our Group Soul’s confinement by Yahweh, our own individuated Souls were given the mandate (by The Council) to “Rule” over Yahweh’s people during our physical incarnations here on your planet.

Let’s be clear about one thing though. All of this (physical life / incarnation), is a very intricate and skillfully designed Game, whereby the One Infinite Creator, plays the game of forgetting who It is, so that It can learn to remember, and in doing so, experience and know Itself as Creator. All the way down to us tiny individuated sparks of the All That Is. Off stage, and between “Lives” (zero-point time / anti-matter Universe) as incarnated “human beings”, we, all of us / you (as Souls), are great friends. Brothers and Sisters in The One.

Between ‘lives’ we all have a great laugh about the parts we have performed in the ‘play’, and look forward to and have great fun preparing the next chapters to act out.

I hope that during the above answer, I have also adequately covered your question on “what is our interpretation of good vrs evil? If not, please say, and I will go into more detail


There is a 61 page PDF file that can be downloaded to your computer for reading offline.

Posted from:
Endza50 YouTube Channel

Narrated by Patrick MacNee

Published on Nov 19, 2012

So you think SECRET SOCIETIES and Illuminati are fairy tale! So you think they don’t exist. And you think One world order or one world government doesn’t exist! You won’t say that again after watching this documentary.

It takes what kind of human being not to see what is going on! As I write these lines thousand are dying around the world every second! Yes every seconds thousand die of the wars and other reasons brought to us by the same bunch of elite who think they are the ones to plan and decide for us since rest of us are not wise enough to decide for our own! They tell us what to eat, how to dress and what to believe and what not to believe. And the mass not knowing what is happening they take it all. We all have turned into zombies and they know it.

Ladies and gentleman isn’t it about time that we start to think and ask questions?
What is world government?
How many governments one can have?
Were you invited to VOTE for world government?

Your answer is NO like the rest .

So what is going on!!! Why all of a sudden nations have gone down the drain in Europe and now we all are under EU flag. What happened to our freedom? How come we all are so poor now!

How come we have no jobs and things are getting worse! Don’t you think something is terribly wrong in the world that we live? What about our children and their future! Why those who declare WARS get NOBLE peace prize? If waging war means PEACE then what kind of a world is this?

I always thought ILLUMINATI were a fairy tale.,until I heard about ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT or NEW WORLD ORDER. I started digging into every aspect of this agenda and started to do my own research. The result was staggering. It is about time you wake up people. The warnings in the bible are not for nothing.  There are thousands of courageous men and woman everyday that put up videos about Illuminati and new world order,agenda 21, UN. Wake up people,it is about time you did your own research and stand vs this evil agenda..




Michael Wynn’s – The Soul Travelers – Full Length

Posted: January 29, 2014 in Articles from Blogs I Follow, Other Video
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Posted from:

BangOnItDave YouTube Channel

Uploaded on Mar 20, 2011

This film has nothing to do with me for those of you that think this is my video its not mine i have just uploaded it OK .

Michael Wynn’s “The Soul Travelers” reveals the truth about mythology, the spirit world, magic, Satanism, and the Illuminati. This documentary reviews repeating themes in mythology and tales of ancient man. Then the video discusses the details of the spirit world, chakras, demons, and angels.  It continues by delving into the details of magic, the occult, and Satanic Illuminati symbolism.


The Soul Travelers is surely among the most revealing documentaries on the subject of magic and the occult, as it takes a revisionist look at the symbols of secret societies like the Freemasons. It concludes by examining the characters like Satan, Jesus, Babylon, and more from the perspective of the occult.

*Feel free to repost The Soul Travelers wherever you wish…


Should be an interesting overview of history.  Those whom have no direct understanding of history or beLIEve the “cleansed” history will be given more than enough information to decide with your heart.



Skype – I-OPEEN room:


Private Forum:

The following conversation was in the I-OPEEN room this morning.


[10:56:13 AM | Edited 10:57:21 AM] Grant Robb: Is anyone else aware that someone is speculating that the I-OPEEN logo is “masonic”?

[11:03:50 AM] Angel Lucci: (rofl)

[11:04:09 AM] Grant Robb: the post is as follows

[11:04:11 AM] Grant Robb: =====

[11:04:12 AM] Grant Robb: I recently came across the I -opeen initiative launched by Angel Lucci, and was broadcast on The One People radio show. Here is the link to I-Opeen

Now at first glance this looks like a credible Value Exchange system, and a lot of questions were asked by The One People crew on the 7/8 October radio show,

What everyone failed to see or notice was that the I-Opeen logo bears a very ominous resemblance to ………………….the Masonic Handshake.

I have attached the following for everyones own perusal and judgement on this so you can see for yourselves.

The I-OPEEN logo

ImagePhotos of famous masonic handshakes and
Drawings of masonic handshakes



Take a look folks and make up your own mind. If anyone can dispel my suspicions please do so.

[11:04:13 AM] Grant Robb: =====

[11:04:31 AM | Edited 11:04:38 AM] Grant Robb: not accusing, just speculating.

[11:04:40 AM] Angel Lucci: It’s a fucking heart shaped hand shake!

[11:04:47 AM] Grant Robb: it was friendly but perhaps a newbie

[11:04:52 AM] Linda (Rays of Sunshine): (heart)

[11:04:55 AM] Grant Robb: yeah, I know that

[11:05:26 AM] Linda (Rays of Sunshine): absolute data (chuckle) don’t you just love it? I love it anyway

[11:05:32 AM] Angel Lucci: I love it grant!  (chuckle)

[11:05:44 AM] Linda (Rays of Sunshine): (rock)

[11:05:53 AM] Grant Robb: (wtf)

[11:06:01 AM] Grant Robb: :O

[11:06:26 AM] Linda (Rays of Sunshine): (chuckle) Grant … night (wave)

[11:06:33 AM] Grant Robb: cya

[11:06:43 AM] Linda (Rays of Sunshine): (ninja)

[11:07:46 AM] Angel Lucci:


[11:08:50 AM] Grant Robb: (handshake)

[11:09:20 AM] Grant Robb: hey! The thumb is pressing on the wrong knuckle…oops, what I meant to say was… (rofl)

[11:15:46 AM] Kelly  K: (rofl) Oh, please.




Posted from:

ReutersBy Jessica Dye, Joseph Ax and Jim Finkle


NEW YORK/BOSTON (Reuters) – In one of the biggest ever bank heists, a global cyber crime ring stole $45 million from two Middle Eastern banks by hacking into credit card processing firms and withdrawing money from ATMs in 27 countries, U.S. prosecutors said on Thursday.

The U.S. Justice Department accused eight men of allegedly forming the New York-based cell of the organization, and said seven of them have been arrested. The eighth, allegedly a leader of the cell, was reported to have been murdered in the Dominican Republic on April 27.

The ringleaders are believed to be outside the United States but prosecutors declined to give details, citing the ongoing investigation. What’s clear is the sheer scope and speed of the crimes: in one of the attacks, in just over 10 hours, $40 million was raided from ATMs in 24 countries involving 36,000 transactions.


“In the place of guns and masks, this cyber crime organization used laptops and the Internet,” U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Loretta Lynch said at a news conference. “Moving as swiftly as data over the Internet, the organization worked its way from the computer systems of international corporations to the streets of New York City.”

The case demonstrates the major threat that cyber crime poses to banks around the world. It also shows how increasingly international and sophisticated criminal gangs have become, particularly those using the Internet.

Prosecutors highlighted the “surgical precision” of these hackers, the global nature of their organization, and the speed and coordination with which they executed operations in 27 countries.

According to the complaint, the gang broke into the computers of two credit card processors, one in India in December 2012 and the other in the United States this February. The companies were not identified.

The hackers increased the available balance and withdrawal limits on prepaid MasterCard debit cards issued by Bank of Muscat of Oman, and National Bank of Ras Al Khaimah PSC (RAKBANK) of the United Arab Emirates, according to the complaint. They then distributed counterfeit debit cards to “cashers” around the world, enabling them to siphon millions of dollars from ATMs in a matter of hours.

In New York, for example, members of the cell fanned out into the city on the afternoon of February 19, armed with cards bearing a single Bank of Muscat account number. Ten hours later, they had completed 2,904 withdrawals for $2.4 million in all, the final transaction coming around 1:26 a.m., prosecutors said.

Casher crews in other countries were busy doing the same, pulling some $40 million from Bank of Muscat to add to the $5 million they stole from RAKBANK in December, according to the indictment. In total, cashers made some 40,500 withdrawals in 27 countries during the two coordinated incidents.

Prosecutors said the method of attack was known as “Unlimited Operations” in the cyber underworld.

Representatives for the two banks could not be reached for comment outside of regular business hours.

In a statement, Mastercard said it had cooperated with law enforcement in the investigation and stressed that its systems were not involved or compromised in the attacks.

In late February, Bank Muscat disclosed that it would take an impairment charge of up to 15 million rials ($39 million) because it had been defrauded overseas by 12 prepaid debit cards used for travel. That charge was equal to more than half of the 25 million rials profit it posted in its first quarter ended March 31.


Cyber experts said they believe the operation likely required the work of several hundred people, at least several of whom were highly skilled hackers capable of devising ways to penetrate well-protected financial systems.

“Hackers only need to find one vulnerability to cause millions of dollars of damage,” said Mark Rasch, a former federal cyber crimes prosecutor, based in Bethesda, Maryland.

The group may have targeted Middle Eastern banks because they tend to allow customers to put much larger sums on cards and do not monitor them as closely as banks in other regions, said Shane Shook, global vice president of consulting for the security firm Cylance Inc.

“It’s a target-rich environment in terms of soft electronic security,” said Shook, an Arabic speaker who has spent more than a decade investigating cyber crimes.

The case is similar to one in 2009 that targeted the prepaid debit-card unit of Royal Bank of Scotland, which lost more than $9 million in less than 12 hours, said Jason Weinstein, a former federal prosecutor who supervised the Justice Department’s handling of that case.

That case was considered a watershed moment in cyber crime prosecutions at the time. “This dwarfs that case,” he said.

It is not clear if banks can seek to recover losses from card processors, legal experts said. Contracts usually have specific language governing the security protocols that must be in place, said Frederick Rivera, an attorney with Perkins Coie who specializes in financial services litigation.

If the processors failed to follow those requirements, they could be liable for the losses. If they had adequate security, however, the banks “could be left holding the bag,” Rivera said.

The banks might also be able to seek reimbursement under their insurance policies, many of which now have cyber crime provisions, or from the processors’ insurance carriers.

Weinstein also said that the processors could face regulatory scrutiny over whether they provided proper security.

The eight defendants – all U.S. citizens and residents of Yonkers, New York – were charged with withdrawing cash from the ATMs and transporting money, not hacking into the credit card processing firms or managing the operation.

The seven arrested are: Jael Mejia Collado, Joan Luis Minier Lara, Evan Jose Peña, Jose Familia Reyes, Elvis Rafael Rodriguez, Emir Yasser Yeje and Chung Yu-Holguin (known as “Chino El Abusador”). All except for Rodriguez were arraigned on Thursday and pleaded not guilty. Rodriguez’s attorney was unavailable. Only Pena has been released on bail.

The defendant who reportedly had been killed was Alberto Yusi Lajud-Peña, also known as “Prime” and “Albertico.” Lynch said it was unclear whether the murder was related to this case.

Prosecutors said cashers often laundered their proceeds by purchasing luxury goods, and sending a portion of the money back to the organization’s leaders.

Lynch said the New York gang kept roughly 20 percent of their takes, and sent the rest to the organizers. Authorities said they seized hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and bank accounts, as well as two Rolex watches and a Mercedes SUV, from the defendants.

Investigators said that they found an email exchange with an account associated with a criminal money laundering operation in St. Petersburg, Russia, describing wire transfers.

An investigation is ongoing to see if other cells are operating in the country, Lynch said, adding that U.S. law enforcement had worked with counterparts in Japan, Canada, Germany, Romania, the United Arab Emirates, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Latvia, Estonia, Thailand, and Malaysia to uncover the ring.

No individual bank accounts were compromised by the scheme, Lynch said.

The case is U.S. v. Lajud-Pena et al., U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York, No. 13-cr-259.

(Editing by Noeleen Walder, Tiffany Wu, Leslie Gevirtz and Phil Berlowitz)


Sounds like an inside job to me!  They were probably all bankers!   Just saying…




The royal and elite ruling class were constantly confronted by numerous rebellions. One such notable rebellion was led by a person named, Jesus Christ and despite the fact that Jesus was eventually executed by the elite class for treason; his radical ideas appealed so deeply to the poor and down-trodden that His rebellion called Christianity, spread like a wild-fire across the land.

NOTE: There were more poor people than the royal and elite class however the royal and elite were infinitely superior in intelligence and wealth and they used their intelligence; wealth and cunning to control the minds and hearts of the unwashed masses they defined as slaves. The same principal is applied in America this date!

After Rome invaded Judea and scattered the Jews, the Freemasons began to offer their services to other Kings and despots. Roman Emperor Constantine was convinced by one sect of Freemasons, to compile a book of his own, which would encompass the Christian folk beliefs and prophecy and the Pagan beliefs of his people; establish his laws of conduct and thus provide him with an infinitely better way to control and herd his slaves like sheep. [The lord is my Shepherd] became the preamble of this ideology.

The Roman Church at this time was totally a pagan church composed of doctrines that encouraged murder; human sacrifice; devil worship; peonage; the accumulation of wealth and the worship of demon-god like idolatry. Emperor Constantine deduced that he needed to either crush or utilize the tide of this Christian rebellion, which was devouring his Kingdom and so Constantine ordered that the basic principles of the pagan Roman Church and the new Christian movement be merged together into one religion, at the Council of Nicaea, which resulted in the birth of: The Holy Roman Church.

Over many centuries to pass, the doctrines of The Holy Roman Church have been constantly expanded upon by the absorption of other ideas and beliefs procured from other religions, prophets and folklore. Those ideas and beliefs that were considered palatable to the royal and elite classes, was persecuted relentlessly in an effort to establish a universal mental control and culture!

NOTE: All of the Royal families located in Europe; Asia and South America eventually inter-married to make them all related by marriage; to strengthen their royal bloodlines and to eliminate wars between the royal classes. Then they pooled their wealth to create a new business enterprise: The financing of currency for various World governments with the underlying motive to control and influence those governments through the debt that was owed to them. To increase the debt owed to them, they helped to instigate wars and conflicts between various countries and people.

A philosophical riff eventually developed between the European Royal Family factions regarding their beliefs in an Almighty God and their purpose and duties toward mankind. This riff split the Royal Families into two factions:

  • The European Royalty
  • The Chinese Royal Family.

These are just names.  The European Royal Family conceal their power and intervention behind the Rothschild name, a group which included most of the Nordic; Eastern European families and some Central and South American countries and the Vatican. The Sabbatean Jews follow the ancient religion of Babylon and practice an anti-traditional philosophy, which is highly pagan and which explains their attraction and connection to the Vatican. This faction believes that the concept of an Almighty God is an historic prevarication premised upon folk legend and/or prophets of the time and that their only duty was to the Royal family; the Elite class; the accumulation of greater wealth and their continued domination over governments and the ignorant, unwashed masses defined as their slaves.

The European faction finances the Freemasons; the Mossad [and] an Elite army of mercenaries concealed within their rank and file known as the Illuminati. The Freemasons are charged with the responsibility of driving the slaves; the Mossad are used as bodyguards and intelligence gatherers and together the Illuminati are responsible for eliminating or terminating obstacles and problems with severe prejudice, affecting the royal and elite families!

The other, larger royal faction known as the Chinese Royal family include all of the royal families in the Middle East, Asia, Russia and most of Central and South America. They became a more devout group who had amassed what they believed to be proof of the existence of an Almighty God and who believe that their royal family obligations included serving mankind. They believe that their pooled wealth in safekeeping, belongs only to their Almighty God, pending His physical return to Earth and in the meantime their Almighty God’s wealth should benefit all of humanity, so that man can devote more time and energy toward his mental; physical and spiritual discipline and enlightenment.

Ever since this philosophical split between the royal families, the European faction has constantly attempted to steal all or part of the Chinese factions physical cache of wealth and plot the murder of the Chinese family elders.

All of the world’s Martial Arts Societies and Masters are financed by the Chinese Royal family and in return the martial arts Masters have sworn a pledge to their Almighty God and to the Royal family, to provide security and protection for the Chinese Royal family. An Army of Ninja’s protect the family elders today.

NOTE: The oldest living elder is currently 165 years old [Could this be the Old Man Heather talks about?] and the youngest elder is 95! Yes, there is a secret of youth; longevity and a body free of disease and the Royal Chinese elders know what it is! Nearly all of the countries on Earth have at one time or another received financing from the Chinese Royal family because they truly are a devout and honorable group. It is this financing that the European faction has alternately been attempting to procure since they have frequently failed to seize the Chinese factions’ great physical cache of wealth, which is estimated to be 85% of the entire Worlds gold; silver; precious gems and antiquities.

The European faction is a ruthless group! They do not lend, they bribe and steal and both Royal family factions liberally utilize look-alike decoys surrounded by bodyguards because all of their family members are constantly at risk of assault and murder!

The Holy Roman Church, which is a privately owned corporation defined as a religion, is housed within the [Vatican City of Rome] and is a powerful royal faction and mono-culture in their own right. Following the same principle utilized by the European Royal faction, the Vatican finances Priests to drive their slaves and finances a mercenary group of Priests known as: “Jesuits.” The Jesuits are utilized as personal bodyguards and are responsible for physically eliminating problem people and obstacles to the Church with extreme prejudice! The Cardinals and Bishops are the administrators and intelligence gathers for the corporation. The appointed administrator of the Jesuits is called: “The Black Pope” and his pulpit is located within the confines of the United States Pentagon! He is Illuminati and on special occasions dons the traditional black robe of the Illuminati Priests. “The White Pope” is the Chief administrator of the church and the positive public image that the corporate Holy Roman Church desires to propagate upon the World’s masses. His pulpit is located within the confines of the Vatican of Rome. He dons a white robe gilded in gold, which is supposed to symbolize the Almighty God’s purity; property and the wealth of the Earth.

The reformation by Martin Luther was another rebellion against this Royal Catholic mono-culture and their Babylonian system of slave controls. Many of the European people being persecuted for their objections and ideas to these control techniques, found freedom from persecution in the New World and as a result, America flourished as no other civilization
before it!

In a parallel to this genuine religious belief and feeling of the American people, manipulators from the European Royal faction, secretly infiltrated the American society and the new deceptive concept of government that certain American leaders were attempting to establish. These manipulators then planned and evolved increasingly sophisticated ways to regain control over their deposed slaves and control over the new Republican American government. Several of the manipulations they employed, was designed to drive the people into conflict and war; to strengthen them through competition; to reduce their population growth and to profit from the sale of arms to them. The European faction used the gold and jewels they had looted from India during the middle ages, to finance both England and America during the American Revolution and the War of 1812. Their additional goal was to strengthen their influence over the King of England and regain control over their English slaves. This is also how Freemasonry became so central to the development and history of both England and America.

NOTE: The Chinese Royal Family faction had initially provided financing for the expansion and improvement of America but vacated their presence once the European faction sufficiently dug their claws into the corrupt American government and the lifeblood of the Country and the rest is history.

There was a true idealism in the American adventure however the original concept of American Democracy proved to be too unruly and too difficult for the European faction to control! To tighten their reigns and employ a stricter discipline, the royal family quietly waged a 137 year physical; political and financial battle against their deposed American slaves, utilizing the same ancient [Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques] premised upon the philosophy that: “He who controls the keys to the grainery, controls the food, the culture and the people.”

NOTE: In addition to driving America into War and the staging of conflicts between the various races and creeds, their next target and goal was to drive the small American farmer out of business and then deplete the nutritional level of food products or replace many natural food products with chemicals utilizing a new science called micro-biotic’s. Next they forced the unwashed masses to become dependent upon the privately owned corporate government to feed; clothe and to protect them and lastly, they broke the backs of the labor unions by encouraging American industry to move their operations into 3rd World Countries by eliminating Americas’ import and export taxes.


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