Posts Tagged ‘Egypt’

Michael Wynn’s – The Soul Travelers – Full Length

Posted: January 29, 2014 in Articles from Blogs I Follow, Other Video
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BangOnItDave YouTube Channel

Uploaded on Mar 20, 2011

This film has nothing to do with me for those of you that think this is my video its not mine i have just uploaded it OK .

Michael Wynn’s “The Soul Travelers” reveals the truth about mythology, the spirit world, magic, Satanism, and the Illuminati. This documentary reviews repeating themes in mythology and tales of ancient man. Then the video discusses the details of the spirit world, chakras, demons, and angels.  It continues by delving into the details of magic, the occult, and Satanic Illuminati symbolism.


The Soul Travelers is surely among the most revealing documentaries on the subject of magic and the occult, as it takes a revisionist look at the symbols of secret societies like the Freemasons. It concludes by examining the characters like Satan, Jesus, Babylon, and more from the perspective of the occult.

*Feel free to repost The Soul Travelers wherever you wish…


Should be an interesting overview of history.  Those whom have no direct understanding of history or beLIEve the “cleansed” history will be given more than enough information to decide with your heart.




In April 1988 the Swiss club owner Gregor Spörri traveled to Egypt armed with a number of books recommended by a friend to learn about the ancient Egyptian culture. It was a journey that would change his life forever.

During this trip to Egypt, Spörri was often found in the Great Pyramid where he wanted to find out whether there was any bio cosmic energy inside it. To achieve his goal he crawled through shafts,  bribed overseers, and spent endless hours in various sarcophagi waiting for evidence of a power supply. In vain. Spörri believed that if you put a bottle filled with water on top of the Great Pyramid it would explode because of the cosmic energy. He performed the experiment but sadly nothing happened.

Spörri’s journey was almost over when the bartender of the hotel where he was staying told him that he knew of  an interesting excursion for him (the bartender had been watching him and noticed he was interested in extraordinary cases). Spörri was curious and decided to make the excursion. On the second-last day of his holiday, early in the morning,  a taxi picked him up to take him to his destination. The bartender showed the driver a crumpled note with the address and the journey began. The journey was a 2 hour ride to the district Bir Hooker, a place near Sadat City, located about 100 km northwest of Cairo. They stopped at a farm where Spörri met an elderly farmer named Nagib.  Nagib is a descendant of an ancient family of grave robbers. From a legacy of his ancestors, Nagib inherited two wooden boxes full of valuables that provided him a good income over the years. The stolen treasures were sold to Western tourists and the proceeds bought Nagib land. However, there was one item he never sold which has been in the possession of his family for 150 years. Only a few people have ever seen this object.

Nagib was in financial difficulty so he proposed that Spörri could see this particular object, photograph it and hold it for a fee of $ 300.  Spörri sat on a wooden bench as Nagib pulled out a wooden box and lifted the lid.  As a musty smell rose in the air, he took out an elongated packet, wrapped in a leather cloth with lace around it. Underneath the leather cloth, old rags were wrapped around a strange looking object. When Nagib unwrapped the package, a gray-brown oblong object emerges. He layed the object carefully in the hands of Spörri who examined the object with curiosity. He suddenly realised he was holding a gigantic mummified finger.

It was not an ordinary finger as it measured at least 35 centimetres long and was about 6 centimetres thick.  Spörri observed the finger in detail and was able to determine that what he was holding was old, organic and humanoid.  The finger looked like it had been

cut off with anatomical precision, and in some places was crumbled. The leathery skin was ripped in places and the skin was a few millimeters thick. Between the dried skinfolds he could see remains of fungus and the nail was loose.  The surface of the skin was damanged in some places, as if mice had gnawed on it. The bone felt woody.

Spörri was dumbfounded as the abnormal size of the finger would have meant that its owner must have reached at least 5 or 6 metres in height. His skepticism led Nagib to show him another item contained within the wooden box – a leather file folder containing a number of documents.  Inside the foler was a certificate of authenticity, some papers with Arabic and Latin letters, a Polaroid photo of the finger and an X-ray made in the 60s. The farmer’s son had some research done through a friend in the hospital of Cairo.  When Spörri compared the finger to the x-ray he could see that the proportions and shape were correct and that the x-ray was of the finger he was holding.

You can read Part 2 here.

By Annemieke Witteveen

– See more at:

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OPPT NYC: RELOADED – Uniting A City In Action

Victory of the Light in Egypt by Cobra

07/08/13 18:36, by thegsolution, Categories: News, Useful Info

Victory of the Light in Egypt by Cobra
July 5, 2013

As you probably know, a big victory of the Light has been achieved. In the first large scale coordinated action of the Positive Military in the human history, the Archon-infested Muslim Brotherhood has been removed from power in Egypt.

This action is a result of many months of careful preparation and joint cooperation between the Positive Military, Templars, Resistance Movement and even White Dragons, supported by the human masses.

The action was triggered on July 3rd, which is the moment of Sun-Sirius conjunction, a very powerful Isis portal. It is interesting to note that the name of the Egyptian General Sisi is an anagram of Isis. Mass invocations of Goddess energy have supported the operation of the Light forces and ensured stability and peace throughout the process.

This was one of the main rehearsals for the Event. The experience at the Event will be similar in a way, although it will happen on a scale hundred times larger. The Resistance has gathered a lot of precious intel about the behavior of human population in situations like this, which will be very useful in fine-tuning the masterplan for the Event.

Although a big victory has been achieved, the story is not over yet. Egypt still has Rothschild-controlled central bank. The Light forces suggest a creation of independent central bank of Egypt which will ensure true independence from the Cabal. The Cabal might try to destabilize the liberation process in Egypt by trying to bribe the military, by supporting the formation of Muslim Brotherhood militias, by manipulating the election process, creating false flag attacks and trying to ignite a civil war.

All this will be in vain as the people of Egypt are awake, aware and strong enough to bring the liberation process to its final completion.

It is still very important to support this process with our daily Liberation Meditations for Egypt every day at 3 pm GMT, which is 5 pm Cairo time.

You can find the time for your time zone here (it is the same every day):

The Youtube video for the meditation is here:

And instructions for the meditation here:

