US Treasury (Foreclosed Private Corporation) Issues Fraud Alert for Accepted for Value and Promissory Notes – Some One is Lying – Want to guess who? You Decide…

Posted: August 6, 2013 in One People's Public Trust (OPPT)

We have seen the Accepted for Value and Promissory Notes articles that say we can do this.  Personally, based on our research, these instruments can and should be used.  However, this article from our beloved criminal treasury says it is fraud.  More research is needed.  I Am still researching this and will report more on this blog as it is found.



Posted from:

US Treasury (foreclosed private corporation)


The U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury), Office of Inspector General, investigates individuals’ use of fraudulent Treasury-related financial obligations or accounts to attempt purchases or pay debts.  Fraud perpetrators across the nation have recently begun to use fraudulent promissory notes and/or private bonds as vehicles to defraud investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars. 

The Department of the Treasury is also aware of several fraudulent schemes that involve what are claimed to be securities issued or backed by the Treasury Department or another part of the U.S. Government.  These scams have been directed towards banks, charities, individuals, and companies which seek payment on the fraudulent securities. Many of the scams originate from persons attempting to avoid paying tax obligations: the Internal Revenue Service provides additional background and information on these scams here.

Another scheme is a variation of a common fraud generally known as “redemption” or “acceptance for value” that incorrectly asserts the United States government has trust accounts linked to each citizen. The theory is not supported in fact or law and has been soundly rejected by the federal courts. Perpetrators will annotate or stamp invoices with “Accept for Value” or similar language, with various numbers purporting to be account numbers. Such annotations are without merit and establish no rights or privileges in any federal or state account or agency.

The annotation, and additional documents seeking to establish some sort of relationship with or claim against the U.S. Government, are worthless and establish no rights or privileges in any account in any federal or state agency. The documents further a fraud commonly known as “redemption”, or “chargeback,” or “acceptance for value” that incorrectly asserts the United States government has trust accounts linked to each citizen, and that individuals can gain control over this account by making particular filings with state and Federal authorities.

Recently, Treasury OIG has become aware of a different variation of this scheme.  Individuals are obtaining routing numbers from Treasury bureaus, specifically the Financial Management Service (FMS) and the Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD), or a Federal Reserve bank, and using these numbers to make the false notes appear genuine.

Further, many of these fraudsters hold seminars throughout the United States, teaching attendees how to create these fictitious documents and how to use federal routing numbers.  Individuals are now creating false checking accounts with the federal routing numbers, using their social security number as the checking account number, and listing the bank as either the FMS or the BPD.  Be advised that Treasury bureaus and the Treasury Direct Program do NOT offer checking accounts for the public,  and they will NOT honor any of these checks. Participating in these scams can result in serious criminal and civil penalties.

It is also a violation of Federal Law to misuse the Treasury seal or the words, titles, symbols, or emblems of the Treasury Department, or any service, bureau, office or Treasury subdivision; see 31 U.S.C. 333.

Click the links below for specific information on sample fraudulent schemes and documents that falsely use name of Treasury bureaus and/or officials. These and similar documents are NOT valid negotiable financial instruments and recipients should NOT accept them or attempt to use them.

Continue reading on this site for examples of these documents. 

And remember, they’ve (our government) has been lying about everything.  What makes you think that this is any different!  Utilities are already paid too!


  1. terionmiller says:

    I think this should be the sounding call for more people everywhere to start using A4V.

  2. Andy Fife says:

    I just started and I ain’t stopping. If a claim against “me” cannot be set-off through A4V, then the claim fails to provide the mandatory remedy. Remember: FTSAC, failure to state a claim upon which relief CAN BE GRANTED. Making remedy impossible is unlawful. They MUST accept the a4v.

  3. Andy Fife says:

    Dunno’ bout trust accounts, but I do have bonds . HJR 192 is “forgotten” by the IRS in their ramblings and misdirections.

  4. Andy Fife says:

    The Cesta que trust isn’t plural. Courts raid it everytime “you” are forced into their make believe courts

  5. Andy Fife says:

    Ask the ‘Judge’ or IRS , or TAXMAN, if he can authorize you to pay the “debt” with anything other than gold or silver coin???? YEE HAWWWWWWW

  6. Vladimir C says:

    I’d be more than happy to file and teach people how to file if I was able to tell which method actually works!

  7. LUCY FER says:

    A4V is BULLSHIT……………………..It should work in THEORY, but NJ courts DO NOT uphold the AMERICAN CONSTITUTION!!! They couldn’t care less about who is “RIGHT” and who is “WRONG”. It’s all about the money………………………….you either pay cash, or you go to JAIL!!!

    • There is no “Accepted for Value”–that is b.s. However, what one does is accept for honor on behalf of United States, and then indorse it on the reverse side to the United States Treasury.
      This is all pursuant to 12 USC 95a(2) and other things. BTW, Great Britain has an analog to this, too, so this thing most likely operational worldwide. That’s how serious and high-level this is.

      The courts won’t publicly acknowledge this stuff but won’t mind doing so in private, as you can extend indemnification to them pursuant to this act, thus they can’t get kicked off the bench, lose their bar license or otherwise have their career ruined for doing the right thing.

      They are on camera, too, and can’t openly reveal the truth for all to see or they’ll get their butts kicked.

      The propaganda above is carefully worded to be technically truthful, but convey the wrong impression to those who don’t fully understand the details of all this.

  8. dotnetspec says:

    Reblogged this on LibertyBank and commented:
    Should we believe the US Treasury or make up our own minds based on our own research?

  9. nabarexist says:

    Check the words they use they are careful to say what and how people are using it. They didn’t say anything about the red letter and numbers on the back. About the BC bond or anything relevant, just smoke and mirror talk. Peep into before you post this b.s.

  10. I lost a court case 2 days ago when I clearly showed the Judge how the A4V works. He ruled against me and never gave any reasons. I even used a promissory note that the bank refused to accept. So I actually paid twice.

  11. People really need to take time to make time and really research in depth… do your homework and make sure you are well educated on said subjects so that you are fluent with legalese lingo and all there act codes statues and the like…legal maximum…ignorance of the law is NO excuse…

  12. Justin Kalis says:

    The reason they (The IRS) and other alphabet agencies believe this is is fraud is because the constitution is suspended when ever a state of emergency is declared and we’ve remained in a state of emergency since 1930. So that is why no one wants to hear anything about the constitution.

    They’re running the show under international laws and leveraging the deception of the constitution to trap people so they remain the winners and everyone else stays the loser. If you go into a court and attempt to use constitutional law they will dance in that deception with you; but really they would be ruling by international law and do the best they can to conceal that fact as this is how they are ruling with willy nilly bs statements they construct and construe and why you can’t get your remedy. It’s fraud and has been for a least 800 years..

    There are remedies in UCC as well but HJR 192 and subsequent public policy will no longer apply to us because the law is the contract and the contract is what ever two parties agree to and if they tell you that your bound; the maxim in law states he who alleges bares the burden of proof and you must demand they prove the claim you are bound to a law they try you against and if they use adhesion contracts as the justification against you; meaning your bound to their laws because you signed something like a driver license, birth certificate, voter registration, or other public document or try to say your conduct constitutes some degree of evidence you accept man made laws.

    Then you demand they prove the disclosure of those adhesion/tactic/implied contracts and where it stated that by you signing any of the registrations or applications you were told to sign; that it binds you to the constitution or any other man made law assumed or presumed and that it meant you must perform in a specified or certain way with acceptance of penalty or consequence of failure..

    They will be forced to realize the allegation lacks merit cause the required elements of a contract have not been met. No man made law applies to any man on earth unless there was truthful disclosure in what the full nature of any contract you signed carried with in in terms of obligations expected from you.

    No man is obligated to follow another mans law unless he consents and agrees to all of it’s conditions and outlines every obligation expected of you in the performance of it.





    They don’t want you to know there is no constitution cause it’s being used to keep the peace and prevent mutiny from breaking out while they manage the transition of constitutional law to international law. United Nations Statutes (Uniform Commercial Code) usher in the New World Order only once all of the nations have been deceived into believing it applies to the non-ruling tenants of mother earth.

    Once the transition has been completed which will take world war 3 robots will replace us and the rest they will wait to die off as they only needed up to rebuild their lost city of Alantis and restore all of their trick nology to the point they could handle the world from there.

    Sick phyco non-human people have done this.. Yes they may look like humans but there are not and what there are doing here they have already done on Mars, and once they get done doing it here they will move back to Mars and rinse and repeat their wicked cycle of darkness and destruction.. Trust me just live your live working on solutions on your own and stop wasting you time in their forced game of monopoly where only their people get to use the get out of jail free card.

    They have everyone deceived and the most deceived are those who had more college educated exposure to their lies as the public schools and colleges were really setup to insure everyone was misdirected in their knowledge and keep everyone thinking the rulers have all mighty power over you. The people in high places are also victims cause they are just the upper class slaves more deceived than the lower class ones as money blinds them greatly and gets them to the point they end up defending false truth and knowledge for their own survival and to keep them from having to live in fear the truth will destroy their ice cream and cotton candy world they’ve grown so attached to.

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