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CVD-RINGOFPOWER-ICON-002Friday, May 10, 2013

THE STORY: From the mystery religions of ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, ‘Ring Of Power’ unrevises 4000 years of revisionist human history with never – before – seen revelations. ‘Ring Of Power’ puzzles together the pieces of a giant puzzle into one BIG PICTURE documentary series.

SeeAlso – All Wars are Banker Wars –

ABOUT THE PRODUCER: The Producer is an experienced, award winning documentary filmmaker who, as a child, learned that her father was a member of the secretive cult of Freemasonry. She recalls many arguments between her parents over her father’s secret meetings and the exclusion of women from the brotherhood. The Masonic ring that her father wore had been passed down from father to son over the generations. When she asked her father about the meaning of the letter ‘G’ and the compass and square on his ring, she got no response. As an adult, she decided to investigate.

That investigation grew into four years of intensive research into the identity and history of the diabolical globalists who she calls the ‘Ring Of Power’. Their goal is one World Empire and one world ruler.

  • Part I: 9/11 THE UNTOLD STORY (38 min.) Half the world believes Muslims were responsible for 9/11. The other half believes Israeli Zionists were responsible. Who’s right?
  • Part II: HIDDEN EMPIRE (22 min.) The world’s most powerful empire is not the U.S.A. It is an empire that insiders call “Empire Of The City”.
  • Part III: TRAIL OF THE PHARAOHS (25 min.) Did the Biblical Abraham really live to be 175? Did Moses really turn staffs into snakes and rivers into blood?
  • Part IV: GOD AND THE QUEEN (30 min.) Genealogy charts show that British and French royalty are descendants of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. Is it true?
  • Part V: ALL THE QUEEN’S MEN (22 min.) How rich and powerful is Queen Elizabeth II?
  • Part VI: THE GODFATHERS (30 min.) They scammed control of the Bank of England and the U.S. Federal Reserve, then they found GOD – Gold, Oil and Drugs.
  • Part VII: CHEATING AT MONOPOLY (52 min.) How many people would play a game of monopoly if the banker was cheating and fixing the rules? Over 6 billion.
  • Part VIII: ASSES OF EVIL (29 min.) The New World Order Mafia are invisible rulers who make puppets out of politicians, heroes out of villains and villains out of heroes.
  • Part IX: KING OF HEARTS (22 min.) The ultimate goal of “insiders” is to disarm the world and create one world empire under one world ruler. Who is he?
  • Part X: SOLUTIONS (28 min.) Protesting and writing letters to deaf politicians doesn’t work. What does work?

Ring of Power I – Empire of the City


Ring of Power II – The Zion King Download Ring of Power 1 by torrent (Better Quality) Download Ring of Power 2 by torrent

3 City States that control the world, and their rolls:

  1. City of London – FINANCE: Receives taxes from their subjects (slaves) in Canada and the United States. They design and control our financial and banking systems.
  2. Vatican City – RELIGION: The Pope wants to merge all the religions into one, which is absolute nonsense. The Pope broke off from the truth (confusingly referred to as The ‘Eastern Church’ or ‘Eastern Orthodox Church’ or ‘Orthodox Church’ or ‘Orthodox’) about 1000 years ago.
  3. Washington DC – MILITARY: Death camps and stacks of black plastic coffins that can hold six to ten bodies each, are piled high in a long train-like fashion, as far as the eye can see, in the United States, today.

These three are sovereign, corporate entities that are not part of the countries they are located in.

The “CITY” in London

The “City”, also known as the “square mile” an area of 677 hectares in London is just like the Vatican City in Rome their own state. The City-State, pays no tax, has its own courts, its own laws, their own flag, their own private police at about 2,000 men, and a night population that underestimates 9000 inhabitants.

Here are the Bank of England, a privately owned institution which is not subject to regulation by the British Parliament, and in fact is a sovereign world power. Moreover, Lloyds of London (insurance), London Stock Exchange (stock exchange) Fleet Streets newspapers and publishing, offices in all British banks, offices in 385 foreign banks, and 70 U.S. banks.

Internationally they use the “Crown Princess” as a symbol of power but the real power belongs to the bankers and not the royal house. It is very difficult to gain an insight into the persons who effectively control the Bank of England. A name that leaked is Rothschild.

The “City of London” is an economic entity which is legally separate from England and in control of all lawyers and banks across the world – including the Federal Reserve in the USA! The “City” is also the English seat of the world’s Freemasonry with the United Grand Lodge of England as the center…

Washington, District of Columbia

The flag of the Washington District of Columbia has three red stars. One for each city state in the empire. This empire rule the world economically through London’s “City”, militarily by the District of Columbia, and spiritually by the Vatican. The Constitution for the District of Columbia operates under a tyrannical Roman law known as the lex fori and has no similarities to the U.S. Constitution…

The Vatican in Rome

Vatican’s assets include massive investments by Rothschild in the UK, France and the U.S., billions of shares in oil and weapons companies like Shell and General Electric, Bethlehem Steel. The Vatican is the world’s largest owner of private property and its gold reserves are stored by the Bank of England and the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank… The flag in Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington’s District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican offers spiritual guidance. The constitution of the district of Columbia operates under a tyrannical roman law known as lex fori, which in no way resembles the U.S. constitution.

When congress passed the act of 1871, it created a separate corporate government for the District of Columbia. This allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the constitution.

If you take a moment to study some signed treaties and charters between the United States and Britain, you will find that the United States has always been a British crowned Colony. In 1606, King James (yes, the King James who revised the bible) signed the charter of Virginia. The charter granted Americas British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The charter also guaranteed future kings and queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America.

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